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It has become a tradition for the JBoss community to celebrate its spirit every year, and yes, it is time for the JBoss Community Recongition Awards again - when the most active members receive the recongnition of their peers! As it befits an active and self-conscious community, 2013 has been the best awards cycle (yet!), with no less than 1170 votes being cast for choosing the JBoss Community Leaders out of 33 nominees, in 6 categories:


  • Bug fixes: Esteban Aliverti
  • Community Leadership: Bartosz Majszak
  • Documentation: John Ament
  • Issue/JIRA:  Michal Matloka
  • New features: Jakub Narloch
  • Wiki: Sergey Morenets


Join us in thanking them for their great contributions, and congratulate them, along with all the other nominees, for their fantastic energy and inspiring example, that keeps the spirit of innovation and openness of JBoss alive, beyond the elegant solutions and clever code, but being at the heart of both at the same time.


(And in particular, Bartosz, Jakub and John are repeat winners, so they receive a second, special, round of applause.)


(Update: Prompted to get our facts straight, we opened the ledgers and did the finger counting again, noting that Bartosz and Esteban are in fact repeat winners, and it's John's second nomination. So ... we're sorry for the confusion  ... and we're left with the only option of congratulating everyone once more!)



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