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We begin this week's Editorial by asking for help from everyone who is using Presentation Tier Technologies in their applications.  Brian has prepared a simple, three question survey to help us to get a better understanding of the direction in which your applications are headed, ensuring that we can continue to provide you with the best tools and capabilities to support you in your development efforts.  Please take a minute to look at the survey and help shape the direction we will take going forward and remember, the lists are not exhaustive so please use the 'Other' box to let us know of additional combinations that you are using.


Bayesian Belief Network in Drools

Mark has been very busy developing and integrating a bayesian network subsystem for the Drools pluggable belief system.  In his post he describes the initial work that has been done, references the papers that have been driving the development and briefly discusses the next steps in the development.


Deploying processes in jBPM 6

If you have been trying the recent jBPM 6.0 release then you will already realise that the mechanism for deploying processes has changed, with the packaging moving from a proprietary packaging model to using an extension of a jar file.  Maciej has written a great post explaining the changes that have occurred, highlighting the specific additions that need to be made and walking you through the choices for deploying the new artifacts into your system.


Integration Tooling for JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss Tools

Tooling plays a major part in all projects that contribute to the integration platforms and this week's release of the integration platforms is accompanied by an update to the tooling available through JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss Tools.  For those of you wishing to try out the new tooling, Paul walks you through what is included, provides a step-by-step guide to installation and describes the new components that are now included.


JBoss out and About

As part of the Developer Conference taking place in Brno this weekend, JHackFest will be providing an opportunity for anyone interested in Open Source to join with others and hack on any ideas that may be of interest.  JHackFest takes place on Saturday, February 8th in Masaryk University in Brno.


The Ceylon team have recently held their annual face-to-face meeting in Paris and, with everyone in the same location, took the opportunity to hold their first Ceylon Tour conference.  There were numerous presentation during the day covering topics such as the SDK, Ceylon Idioms, Vert.x, testing, module repositories and Java interoperability.  Stéphane has provided his thoughts on the face-to-face and conference, including slide decks from all the presentations.


If you were at the recent Boston JUG meeting then you would have seen Eric Schabell give a presentation entitled "Zero to Hero with JBoss Business Rules".  Eric has now made his slide deck available for those who are interested in seeing what was covered.


New Releases

The Hibernate Search team have released Hibernate Search 4.5.0.Final, focussing primarily on compatibility with Hibernate ORM 4.3 and WildFly 8.  This version of Hibernate Search will also now be included in the WildFly 8 distribution making it even easier to get started.


The Arquillian team have released 2.0.1.Final of their Graphene component, focussing primarily on browser interoperability and addressing bugs.


That's all the news we have for you this week, join us next week for the next installment from JBoss.

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