This week in JBoss (22th January 2015): Microservices, Groovy and Camel
Posted by rpelisse Jan 22, 2015Welcome to this week JBoss Editorial ! There is a lot of content waiting for you in this one, the JBoss communities appears to be booming ! Is it a side effect of the cold weather, helping us, geeks, to stay home and code (or write) rather than go out and play ? Or it is maybe the energy release of this brand new year fueling our contributors ? In any case, a lot to watch, listen and read for you this week...
The Shape of things to come
Let's face it, they generally useless but always funny to read - and even more to checkout a year later, so here comes some Technology Predictions for 2015 ! But more concretely, unless you've been leaving under (a protected against internet and media) rock the last week, you have probably heard that Pivotal Pulls Groovy Grails Fund. While not a part of the JBoss project and communities per say, Groovy is certainly a part of our ecosystem. So in case you are not privy to this annoucement, check the link above.
PaaS, Microservices, Camel and Docker - the future or not ?
Let's face it, all those topics are certainly buzzwords from 2014, and they'll most likely keep buzzing in 2015. But are they really what they promises ? For insance, how about Scaling Microservices ? And how to integrate microservices with Apche Camel ? Maybe this demonstration of Microservices with Apache Spark and Cassandra (Big Data much ?) will help you clarify your thoughts on the subject ? And on an other topic, is Platform As Service (PaaS) your future ? And let's face it, what is the word on using WildFlies and Camel on large enterprise projects
Releases, releases and more releases
As always, this week saw a series of releases - and some important ones as AeroGear 2.0 has been released and Errai 3.1.1.Final also :
- Arquillian Cube Extension 1.0.0.Alpha3 Released · Arquillian Blog
- AeroGear - AeroGear Android 2.0.0 is out !
- Errai 3.1.1.Final is released !
- JBoss Tools - Security and bugfix release for Luna
Hands on and under the hood
First to build up your appetite, here are some interesting little tidbits from last week. First, a simple Java EE JSF login page with JBoss Picketlink Security, along with
a tutorial on NoSQL with HibernateOGM 1.0.1 - Persisting Your First Entities. And to go along, a nice intervew and demo from Stuart Douglas About Wildfly9 Undertow (Developer Interview #11).
And more about BPM and BRMS
As almost every week, Eric Schabell keep producing passionating and useful content regarding both BRMS and BPM. So, the second part of How to Fly with JBoss BPM (Travel Agency) has been released, along with an article on how shockingly easy it is to get into JBoss BRMS BPM suite.
A bit of infrastructure
Along the numerous technical bites produced last week, a sort of common thread, not surpringsingly, is about "infrastructure" (understand Docker). The first byte is this Tech Tip #70 on Build Kubernetes on Mac.Once ready with Kubernetes, you will probably move to using Vagrant with Docker and Wildfly (to play with Java EE7)
And if your thrist is not yet quelsh by those, gives a look to this free book on Getting Started With Openshift (Quick Hands On).
Events : Red Hat Summit, DevNations and FOSDEM
Next week, in Belgium, the famous FOSDEM convention will take place. As like every year, there is many talks from the JBoss communities - like this talk on Querying your datagrid with lucene, Hadoop_and_Spark (many more, just check the Red Hat speakers list).
Don't forget that the Red Hat Summit, and its twin community event, the DevNation, is coming. The Call for Paper for the later is open - so don't forget to apply, I've heard that Boston's weather is lovely in April (ok, what I've heard from Boston weather probably makes this comment a blantant lie, but who cares ? You'll be cozy inside, listening passionating talk or talking yourself !)
Sidenote: Being French, and from Paris, I would like mention that my thoughts goes to the familly & friends the victims of the recent tragic events in my hometown. Cabu and Wolinski comics books have been the corner stone of my upbringing, they should not been forgotten. #je-suis-charlie