This week in JBoss (29th January 2015): Travelling and Making a Splash with JBoss
Posted by kconner Jan 29, 2015Welcome to this week's edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial, our regular dip into the communities around JBoss. In this week's edition we highlight a number of interesting topics, tutorials and videos that will keep you informed of the many recent developments occurring within those communities and hope that they serve as a start for your own explorations. We hope you enjoy what follows.
Flying with JBoss BPM Travel Agency
Eric continues his series describing the JBoss BPM Travel Agency with his third video in the four part series. This episode discusses the inclusion of compensation flows within the workflow that can be fired when fraudulent activities are discovered. For extra credit you can even try to spot the JBoss BPM Travel Agency posters, sending a photo of those posters via twitter could earn you a goodie bag of BPM goodies.
We continue the BPM theme with a post from Maciej who describes one mechanism for executing tasks concurrently, known as "Multiple Instances". This component provides a mechanism through which multiple instances of a task or subflow can be created to concurrently process information available in collections, terminating when a specific completion condition has been fired.
Vehicle Routing with OptaPlanner
OptaPlanner 6.2 sees the inclusion of a new strategy that is useful for scaling Vehicle Routing problems and similar use cases. The strategy, called nearby selection, allows OptaPlanner to handle larger problems much more efficiently.
Marcus' Developer Interviews
This week's Developer Interview sees Marcus interviewing Henryk Konsek, a support engineer with Red Hat who deals primarily with Middleware and Integration technologies. In this interview Marcus and Henryk discuss Apache Camel, Fabric, MongoDB, Docker and Microservices.
Configuring TLS in WildFly
Marcus has recently been investigating some of the security aspects of WildFly 8 and came across some capabilities that are not as well documented as previous versions, in this instance how to enable TLS using the new web subsystem Undertow. Never fear though, Marcus has taken on the challenge and has produced a great walk through describing the changes that are necessary to enable TLS handling via Undertow.
Vert.x with gulp
Vert.x is often touted as a polyglot alternative to node.js running on the JVM but what does this really mean to a node programmer? Follow Brian's investigation as he looks at how you can use using gulp, a node.js build tool, to build a vert.x 2 module.
Scalable Splash Screens with Cordova
Having a splash screen on a mobile application is a great way of letting your users know that your application is running and performing its initialisation tasks, providing invaluable feedback. In his second post of the week Brian summarises how he created a scalable splash screen and what configuration was necessary to allow it to be used within a Cordova application.
JBoss Out and About
The Infinispan team will be back at FOSDEM in Brussels this Saturday January 31st, represented by Gustavo who will be presenting a session on advanced querying capabilities entitled "Querying your datagrid with Lucene, Hadoop and Spark".
Last week saw Eric present his session entitled "Is Platform as a Service (PaaS) in your future?" at the Power to Innovate event in Utrecht, if you missed the session, or attended but didn't take enough notes, then Eric now has his slides available online.
New Releases
- The Arquillian team have announced the 2.0.0.Alpha3 release of the Arquillian Drone Extension and the 1.1.6.Final release of Arquillian Core.
- The Infinispan team have announced the Infinispan 7.1.0CR2 release.
- The AeroGear team have announced the release of AeroGear iOS Push-SDK for Swift v1.0.
- The KeyCloak team have announced the release of KeyCloak 1.1.0.Final.
- The Teiid team have announced the release of Teiid 8.10 Beta2.
That's all for this week's spin through the JBoss world, please join us again next week when we will take you through more interesting and informative articles written by our communities.