This week in JBoss (19th February 2016): Valentine's, New Releases and More...
Posted by kpeeples Feb 20, 2016Welcome to another edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial where we bring you up to speed with all that has been happening across the JBoss Communities. This past Sunday the 14th was Valentine's Day and so I thought I would share a little bit of history before moving onto the week....
The day first became associated with romantic love within the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which love interest expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). In Europe, Saint Valentine's Keys are given to love interest "as a romantic symbol and an invitation to unlock the giver’s heart", as well as to children, in order to ward off epilepsy (called Saint Valentine's Malady). Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards as seen in the attached image.
I hope everyone had a great Valentine's day as well as a great week. So onto our Week in JBoss...
New Releases
- Teiid 8.13.1 is now available. It is a fix release addressing 15 issues.
- Hibernate Validator 5.2.4.Final is now available. This is a bugfix release which addresses two issues around one of the more advanced features of Bean Validation and redefined default group sequences.
- Hibernate ORM 5.0.8.Final has just been tagged and published. The complete list of changes can be found here (or here for people without a Hibernate Jira account).
- JBoss Forge 3.0.0.CR1 is now available. Grab it while it is hot!
- Infinispan is proud to announce two fresh releases. First is 8.2.0.Beta2, from our development branch. The second is 8.1.2.Final which contains bug fixes.
- Infinispan Javascipt Client 0.1.0 is now available. The Javascript client based on Node.js which can talk to Infinispan Server instances.
- Teiid 9.0 Alpha1 is now available. With the creation of the 8.13 transitional release, we are now ready to start the release stream for 9.0 with Alpha1. Please consult the migration documentation from 8.x to 9,
Cloud Stack Series
Eric Schabell continues his tour of the Cloud stack continues from his previous article in a series where he laid the first foundational bricks, the reliable and container supporting operating system. The core machines on which our Cloud will rest, that support containers but obviously don't do much more than that. You can find more of articles in the series listed below.
- Can’t ignore the stack anymore
- Foundations for a stable Cloud
- Beginners guide to containers at scale
- Why containers at scale matter (coming soon...)
- It’s all about the PaaS baby (coming soon...)
- Open interoperability critical to success (coming soon...)
- Securing containers at scale (coming soon...)
Codemotion Amsterdam 2016
This coming Spring there will be a CodeMotion conference in Amsterdam in May from 11th - 12th, 2016. The Call for Papers is open until Feb 15, 2016. Eric shared his talk submissions here.
Hibernate Documentation
Vlad Mihalcea shared with us the New Hibernate ORM User Guide and the Hibernate Community Newletter. Starting this year, they are hosting a series of articles focused on the Hibernate community. They share blog posts, forum and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to their users. Also, they announced that the new Hibernate ORM User Guide has become the default Hibernate 5.1 reference documentation. This process was started last summer, and it was one of the primary goals of the Hibernate 5 project version.
Decision-as-a-Service Webinar
Edson Tirelli announced that Red Hat will be hosting a free webinar on Tuesday, Feb 23rd, on Decisions-as-a-Service with Drools/Red Hat BRMS. This is the perfect opportunity to watch how easy it is to author and publish decision services with Drools/Red Hat BRMS. For more details and to register, click here.
JSON Web Tokens
Stan Silvert attended DevNexus in Atlanta and discusses the JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
Thanks for reading and being a part of a great community....
Kenneth Peeples