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Greetings to all and welcome to this new edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial. While this issue is filled with news, I was a caught unprepared by the lack of the "main items" to report from last week. However, the more time I spent preparing this issue, the more I realized that, in fact, last week is the perfect embodiement of a week in the JBoss Community: no fuss no muss, just cool stuff coming out !



To my own admission, I am a "command line guy", and even more a "Shell guy" (I even wrote articles on Shell on a regular basis). So, of course, the most exciting news for me this week, was this nice article describing how to Registering new clients for Keycloak from shell ! Also, on the command line front is worth mentioning here the new release of  JBoss Forge 3.3.3 - the command line tool to help you generate your app project layout. Check those out !


But, rest assure, if you are more about high level issue and programming solution for business, I'm sure the following article on Drools & jBPM: Drools 7 to support DMN (Decision Model and Notation) will also quench your thirst !


Community and events

First of all, if you like Infinispan and are either living in Morocco or going to Devoxx Morocco, don't miss Infinispan coming to Devoxx Morocco! Also  last week was published an interview with a long time contributor to Hibernate: Meet Thorben Janssen. Certainly worth a read if one wants to understand better the dynamics of the JBoss community...


Javascript corner

While the JBoss community is still heavily Java-based, there is a lot of interest and integration with other languages - and of course, the first one certainly being JavaScript for obvious reasons. So you may be interested in this feedback regarding new feature introduced in NPM: Prepublish changes, or this breakdown on Promise Rejection Handling (with Node.js).


Releases, releases, releases


As always, last week saw a set of project releases - check them out !





If you want to stroll a bit outside the Java world, I strongly recommend you the reading of Nick Strugnell's article on SOE on the Open Source Architect blog. The acronyms SOE stands for Standard Operating Environement, and is (to make it short) an approach to handle large servers that have been pushed by Red Hat to its customers for years now. This approach is far from being "out of date" as it forms a strong prerequiste to a move to a DevOps. If any of those topics interest you, have a look, I'm pretty sure you won't regret it !


(Sidenote: look a all week without news related to Docker !   Is the world falling apart ???)


Hopefully you have found something in this week's editorial to pique your interest and give you something to explore while waiting for next week's installment.  Join us here next week for more news from the JBoss Community.

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