This week in JBoss (9th December 2016): Winding Down? I Don't Think So!
Posted by kconner Dec 9, 2016With the end of the year coming you may be forgiven for thinking we would be winding down but the communities are amazing places full of amazing people as can be seen in this week's edition of the JBoss Editorial.
JBoss Data Virtualisation
Following the recent release of the JBoss Data Virtualisation image on OpenShift, completing the initial move of our current Middleware products in to the cloud, Cojan has begun a series of articles demonstrating the capabilities of the product and how to use them within the OpenShift environment. In the first article of the series Cojan takes everyone through the steps necessary to deploy the image on OpenShift, from the installation of vagrant and the Container Development Kit through to the first deployment of JDV. In the second article Cojan introduces us to the concept of a Virtual Database and explains how it can be exposed as a service using the OData protocol.
Of course we have not forgotten about those of you running JDV on your own machines! Madou has an article showing how MySQL/MariaDB can be integrated with JDV in order to expose the contents of your databases.
Infinispan Integration, Streaming and Querying
The Infinispan project have also been busy this week, not only have they announced their first Beta of Infinispan 9 (see below) but they have another three published articles.
In the first article of the week Gustavo walks us through the necessary steps for using Oracle JDBC Cache store, covering the configuration of Infinispan and how to orchestrate the deployment with docker-compose. The second article, written by William, discusses the Distributed Stream capabilities and the usability improvements which have been introduced in Infinispan 9 while the final article, written by Adrian, introduces Ickle, the new Query Language being introduced in to Infinispan.
Messaging in Cloud and at Speed
The standard deployment of A-MQ within OpenShift assumes the server is being provisioned for use by other deployments with access to the same project however sometimes you want to allow access from an external client. If this is a scenario you are interested in then take a look at Michelle's article where she demonstrates how to expose the internal service to an external client.
When using messaging systems you will often be faced with a trade-off, a decision to relax the full guarantees of writing to disk for improved performance. Artemis allows you to make the same trade off, allowing you to reach a speed of 50K persistent messages per second on a laptop with a delay of only a few milliseconds before the messages are persisted.
Garbage Collection in the VM
For many of us developing on the JVM we have come to trust the default Garbage Collection settings will be sufficient for our applications but what happens when your applications are pushing harder on the VM? How do you tune the GC behaviour? In the first article of a series discussing the GC, Matt Robson takes us through the role of the G1 (Garbage First) collector and how it works.
Kie Server Routing
One of the challenges faced by kie server clients has been the requirement to track the location of the servers being used and which kjars are running on them. With the introduction of the Kie Server Router we now have a single service against which we can invoke requests, allowing it to handle the routing to the correct kie server instance and the aggregation of requests spanning multiple servers.
Hibernate News
The latest version of the Hibernate Newsletter is out bringing news from the community. Within the newsletter you will find interviews with developers along with articles discussing Apache Ignite, streaming vs pagination, integrating with Camel, multi-tenancy and much more.
DevNation 2017 Call for Papers
DevNation 2017 will be taking place in Boston, alongside Red Hat Summit, from May 2nd to May 4th. The call for papers is still open but will be closing soon, the current deadline is Friday 16th December.
OptaPlanner and the US Election
With the recent US Presidential election being in the news Geoffrey started to wonder what would be the lowest number of votes required for a candidate to win the election, naturally this is a constraint violation problem and something he knows about . With this as his goal Geoffrey began working with OptaPlanner and created a model to determine an answer that may surprise many of you!
Camel Maven Plugin Donated to Apache
At the beginning of this year Claus wrote an article presenting a new Camel Maven Plugin which could parse your source code and validate endpoints. After nearly a year of work the plugin has stabilised and is now being donated to the Apache Camel project.
JBoss Out and About
Heiko was recently invited to GrafanaCon 2016 where he gave a presentation on Hawkular.
New Releases
- The Infinispan team have announced the release of Infinispan 9.0.0.Beta1.
- The Drools team have announced the release of docker images to match their 6.5.0.Final release.
- The Hibernate team have announced the release of Hibernate Validator 5.4.0.Beta1 and 5.3.4.Final.
- The Hawkular team have announced the release of Hawkular Metrics 0.22.0.
- The Teiid team have announced the release of Teiid Designer 11.0 and the 8th sprint for their Data Service Builder.
Join us again next week when we will bring you the latest crop of news from across the JBoss Communities.