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Welcome to another Weekly Editorial! Everyone here at Red Hat Middleware has been busy to one degree or another, but we’ve still managed to get some work and releases done. To get things started this week, let’s talk about some upcoming events you’ll want to attend!



In just over a week Java Developers from around the world will descend upon San Francisco for the annual JavaOne event presented by Oracle. Once again, Red Hat continues to deliver a number of quality presentations and topics ranging from React, microservices, testing, Java EE and others! In total, more than 20 presentations will be given by Red Hat engineers this year. Also, don’t forget to stop by the booth in the Exhibitor’s hall, we’re just to the right of the entrance. At the booth be sure to check out the two demo pods and the mini theater where you will be able to hear miniature versions of the presentations from our engineers. We’ll be running demos there as well talking about microservices, OpenShift and the new MicroProfile initiative. If for some reason you’re not able to attend or miss a session at the mini theater, don’t worry. You’ll be able to see them on, be sure to head over there and sign up for all of the latest on the Developer Program by Red Hat.


Happening next week is the Red Hat Forum in Zurich. Dimitris Andreadis blogged about this event. See him, Thomas Heute, and Hannes Sowa talk about Java EE, containers, and cloud environments. You won’t want to miss any of these events!

Books, Logging, Threads

Eric Schabell has been working tirelessly on his BPM book with Manning. The first four chapters are available via the Manning Early Access Program. Eric has a wealth of information about Business Process Management, and getting all that information in an easy to digest book form is excellent news!


Ricardo Hernandez explained centralized logging for Vert.x applications using the ELK stack earlier this week in a very detailed blog post including examples and a demo! If you’re using Vert.x and are looking for a centralized logging solution, look no further than his blog post for all the gory details.


Bela Ban talked about removing thread pools in JGroups 4.0. This will be a welcome change for those of us using JGroups as it means a smaller configuration, fewer threads, and overall lower latency. Be sure to read through it for all the information and how these changes may affect your application.



Along with all the already amazing content that has been produced this week, and conferences coming up within the next couple of weeks, there have been a number of releases of note as well. Each link details the release and the specifics:


Thanks for joining us for another JBoss Weekly Editorial! Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week!

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