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This editorial looks like it's going to be about release after release after release! The teams have really been busy!


First Marc has written a few articles about the new APIMan release (version 1.4) followed quickly by 1.4.3 (if anyone finds 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 please return them to Marc care of JBoss!) He's also found the time to write about how you can customise your path patterns for the gateway.


While we're at it, of course let's not forget about the equally interesting Hibernate Community Newsletter. And on the theme of Hibernate, Hibernate Search 5.10 has another maintenance release and Hibernate ORM 5.1.15.Final along with ORM 5.3.2.Final were also released by the team, followed closely by OGM 5.4.0.Beta2.


Other releases over the period include Infinispan 9.3.0.Final, Thorntail 2.0.0.Final, a couple of RESTeasy releases, ByteMan 4.0.3, the ever popular Debezium had a release, Apache Camel 2.22 came out, and Keycloak 4.1.0.Final (check out this article around Keycloak on Kubernetes too!)


Not quite a release but definitely newsworthy, Mario Fusco is the new Drools lead! Well done Mario!!


Chritina Lin has written a great first article on contract first design with Apicurio and Fuse.


Let's wrap up with a personal favourite: the JBossTS team have done some interesting work around the LRCO optimisation and you can read about it in this article.


OK that's it for now. Enjoy!

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