• WildFly 18 Datasource Error Through Console

    Hi,   I'm trying to add a Datasource through the Management Console, but am getting "Internal Error / newValue is null" when I press the add button.   I uploaded a postgres jar, but don't see this jar in t...
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    last modified by walkerca
  • Datasource resource injection in JBoss 6 using CDI

    Hi,   I'm building a CDI based project with JBoss 6, but I can't get the injection of datasources to work. If I do a manual JNDI-lookup the datasource is found whitout any problem. Using the @Resouce annotation,...
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    last modified by mikaelbeermann
  • ManagedScheduledExecutorService keeps executing tasks after an exception is thrown

    Hello all,   I'm apparently facing a bug in the implementation of the ManagedScheduledExecutorService, more specifically when using the inherited method of the ScheduledExecutorService (Java Platform SE 7 ), cal...
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    last modified by kopcheski
  • Arquillian where are we?

    Goal: Project with inception year 2012 to bring on ee8, with jdk 11  and add new functionality. Status: Developed for Glassfish 3.1 and WAS 8.5. ported for Glassfish 4 and 5 and Payara 5. Build and embedded Tes...
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    created by b69
  • migrate app in oc4j with ejb 2.1 to wildfly 15

    hello   i am migrating an application it is developed with ejb 2.1 specification i have deplojed the servicios.jar ( ejb 2.1 ) in wildfly 15 it show me the jndi names deployed     after i try to dep...
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    last modified by ogoa54
  • Wildfly 18 artemis bridge failover issue

    Hello everyone,   i'm currently facing an issue where my failover on the artemis bridge is correctly reconnecting but after the initial start if the bridge fails to connect, upon first connection all incoming me...
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    last modified by corab500
  • Legacy security to Elytron Migration

    Hi,   I'm trying to migrate legacy security to Elytron:   In Wildfly 16 i have this security-domain:   <security-domain name="MyDomain" cache-type="default"> <authentication>   <...
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    last modified by dnovo
  • JBossAS6 Final - Quartz properties

    Hi,   I want to specify quartz' properties at startup. More precisely, I'd like to define quartz properties on application specific basis (each application has its db connection user, that connection user shoul...
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    last modified by pi4630
  • Caused by: org.springframework.transaction.IllegalTransactionStateException: Transaction is already completed - do not call commit or rollback more than once per transaction+kie-server-spring-boot-starter+ms sql+jbpm

    I am trying to use kie-server-spring-boot-starter for setting jbpm with MS Sql server as database. When I create a plain spring boot application with MS Sql as database, the server start up is clean. The moment I add ...
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    last modified by shuchitaprasad
  • Transaction is already completed - do not call commit or rollback more than once per transaction when using narayana transaction manager with kie-server-spring-boot-starter and SQL server 2017. It works for for other databases like mysql and postgres sql

    Properties are     spring.datasource.username=sa spring.datasource.password=reallyStrongPwd123 spring.datasource.url=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=jbpm spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.micro...
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    last modified by shuchitaprasad
  • LDAP Issue WildFly 18.0.1

    Hi All,   I am in the process of upgrading from WF17 to WF18, and for some reason have run into an issue.   I run WF in a Clustered mode with a Domain Controller and several hosts.   On my WF18 d...
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    last modified by ivdbank
  • Versions - between wildfly and undertow

    Hi all, I am trying to see what version of Undertow is when we say Wildfly 10.1 for example ? I was following ticket [UNDERTOW-909] Session invalidation not reflected when coming from another concurrent request - JB...
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    last modified by ggeda07
  • Management API For Domain add-content, add Operations

    Hi,   I'm automating a deployment.  I was able to deploy to a standalone instance using the pair of requests in the docs (add-content followed up with a deploy operation).  I'm having trouble getting t...
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    last modified by walkerca
  • This Week in JBoss: January 23, 2020

    Welcome to my first ever edition of the JBoss editorial. I'm pretty excited to be sharing news from the JBoss community and look forward to bringing you highlights and latest developments. Let's go!   Did someone...
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  • Newcastle Based Student Projects

    The Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK office of Red Hat is predominantly a middleware engineering centre, with core developers from several middleware project teams. In addition to projects in those areas, the following topics ...
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    last modified by jhalliday
  • Performance issue of jboss server on CentOS Linux 7.4.1708

    Hello Members, I recently join this forum, i have an performance issue with jboss server on CentOS linux 7.4. we have run 4 separate jboss server(instance) for 4 process. due to increase in number of threads will ha...
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    last modified by dheeraj_jk
  • Will maxThreads increase JBoss Performance? Does JBoss use o

    Dear all, I have a SOAP application which call other server's SOAP and do some process. But the response time from another server is about 1-4 seconds. I plan to setup JBoss on Q8200(4core Intel CPU) with 4GB RAM se...
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    last modified by pccontact168
  • JTA mode vs JTS mode in the context of Wildfly/EAP

    Hi, I have one basic question.   On this forum in several places when talking about different Narayana functionality, it is mentioned that Narayana can run in JTA mode and in JTS mode. My understanding is that i...
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    last modified by u448119
  • Elytron ldap-realm  - dir-context

    Hi,   I'm trying to migrate PicketLink LdapLoginModule to Elytron (Wildfly 18.0.1)   My previous configuration using legacy security   <security-domain name="MySecurityDomain" cache-type="default...
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    last modified by dnovo
  • Elytron - EJB Principal Anonymous

    Hi,   I have a simple ear ( one war plus one ejb module ).   I'm trying to use Elytron security with wildfly 18.0.1 and AdoptOpenJDK 11.   standalone.xml   <subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elyt...
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    last modified by dnovo