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Article Maven Repository Upgrade Roadmap
Maven Repository Upgrade RoadmapThis page describes the schedule for testing and rollout of the new Maven repository for JBoss.org. Week 1 (Feb 1) (1 day per team member) Each team member should review the tests and note where additional t...
Update Maven Project VersionsIntroduction Maven projects often contain a version string in multiple places: the pom of each module, and sometimes properties files and/or java files. This page describes some tools to make it easier to...
Requirements for Maven Repository 2.1This page contains some proposed requirements for the next update of the JBoss.org Maven repositories. Update Nexus to most recent version Configure POM validation rules that match oss.sonatype.org Configure...
Maven Repository Test PlanThe current JBoss.org Maven repositories will be replaced by a new set of repositories that use a Maven repository manager (Nexus). This page contains a test plan for the JBoss.org Maven repository infrastructur...
Maven Release ProcessFor information about how to release a JBoss project, please refer to JBoss Project Release Process This page contains only the specific steps to release a project using the Maven release plugin. ...
JBoss Release Preparation ChecklistIntroduction This page provides a list of steps to follow to prepare for a project release. The goal is to make the release process as easy and reliable as possible. Note: Some of the information ...
MavenVsGradleThis page compares two build tools, Maven and Gradle, and discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of each. Introduction to Maven Maven is a popular build tool for Java and doesn't really need ...
Branching for a ReleaseIntroduction Sometimes it's necessary to branch the codebase before performing a project release. For example, this is useful when the release process is time consuming and development needs to continue i...
MavenITRequirementsThis page is out of date and refers to old Maven repository workMaven Build System Requirements This document describes the requirements for a new maven based build system for jboss. The requirements in t...
Article Maven Repository Test Plan - Deploying Release Artifacts
Maven Repository Test Plan - Deploying Release ArtifactsThis test should verify that release builds can be deployed to a temporary staging repository, and artifacts in the staging repository can be promoted to the releases repository. Check your Maven configuration...
MavenRepositoryInfrastructureThis page describes our current maven build infrastructure at JBoss.org and describes plans for the new repository configuration. Existing Setup There are currently two maven repositories as part of JBos...
Article Maven Repository Test Plan - Consuming Repo Artifacts
Maven Repository Test Plan - Consuming Repo ArtifactsConsuming repository artifacts from a Maven build. Configure your Maven settings as described in Maven Repository Test Plan - Test Configuration. Choose a directory for a temporary local repository. For ...
Article Maven Repository Test Plan - Test Configuration
Maven Repository Test Plan - Test ConfigurationThis page described the appropriate configuration that must be done prior to running the tests. The repository is located at - https://jbtest.sonatype.org There is a repository for releases and one for...
Article Maven Repository Test Plan - User Authentication
Maven Repository Test Plan - User AuthenticationUser authentication against the JBoss.org user database Log into the Maven Repository Test Plan - Test Configuration using JBoss.org credentials. Verify that the user is authenticated and has access to view th...
Maven Repository Test Results 2 This page contains test results for the second part of testing the Nexus Maven repository. Paul Gier Lincoln Baxter David Vrzalik User Authentication - PASSED Consuming Repo ...
Maven Repository Test ResultsThis page tracks the results and notes for each tester. A success or failure should be noted for each test. Each failure should be documented with a failure page that follows the template: Maven Repository...
MavenSiteGenerationGenerating a project site with Maven Maven can be used to generate a web site for your project. This is done using the maven site plugin. An Introduction to maven site generation can be found at htt...
MavenIntroductionThis page is a place to get familiar with maven (specifically maven 2) and how it is used in JBoss. Maven is designed to work around a default project structure. The default structure can be used as is, ...
Article Maven Repository Test Results - Deploy Snapshot Failure
Maven Repository Test Results - Deploy Snapshot FailureStatus RESOLVED! The Nexus repository admins changed the configuration to support larger uploads, and then I was able to deploy snapshots successfully. Description of Problem When attempting to deploy ModeShape...