• Updated downloads module

    Well I started off forking the downloads module in to a links/bookmark module and I discovered some problems with the download module along the way so I decided to fix those fist. I found one repeatable way to cause ...
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    last modified by chasetec
  • Wiki module?

    Forgive me if this has been asked in the past. I did a search on "wiki module" on this forum and got so many matches without "wiki" in the title, that I suspect I drove the search tool wrong. In any case, is there a ...
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    last modified by rjlawre
  • commons-fileupload question

    I'm working on some stuff to enable the streaming of large downloads from a database to a user through a servlet and I think I've gotten everything planned out except for the upload part. First of all, I'm talking ab...
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    last modified by chasetec
  • Different sites

    Hello, please I want know if two different sites can live right in one instalation of nuke
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    last modified by edu005
  • Create a Generic MenuBlock

    Hello, I am using and reading the jboss nukes. I feel it is useful to have a generic MenuBlock (java code). E.g., like jboss.org website, there are Navigate Block, and Member Menu block. Basically, both of them are...
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    created by yxyang
  • Assigning New Users to Admin Group

    In Nukes 1.1 RC3, I get an exception when I try to assign a new user to the admin group. I didn't include exception info since it is easy to reproduce.
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    last modified by thorntond
  • File upload bug still present in rc3

    hi developers, the bug is at org.jboss.nukes.servlet.MultipartRequest.java line 68. I copied here the code of MultipartRequest constructor, please read my comment (in bold): public MultipartRequest(HttpServletReques...
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    last modified by chamcha
  • Minor BB issue

    I guessing this one is probably for Julien. There appears to be a slight issue when there are two sets of url tags on the same line in a BB message. I've gone ahead and posted a bug report over on sf. http://sourcefo...
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    created by chasetec
  • Nukes, MySQL and Transactions

    After figuring out how Nukes starts transactions and adding a little transaction handling to the downloads module I remembered a problem I experienced once upon a time with MySQL and transactions. From what I recall M...
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    last modified by chasetec
  • question on DelegateContext

    Hello, I checked out the nuke-1.1 from cvs. i pasted parts of the process(PageResult result, final Writer writer) method of ThemeTemplate.java file in the following. Q1: who will populate/initialize the PageResult ...
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    created by yxyang
  • Translation problem

    Hi, I want to translate Nukes 1.1 in French. I create files Resource_fr.properties in each module. I use a french version of EI and I set the attribut in "Change Info" to French. But the french resource file is never...
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    last modified by arnaud.tessier
  • Nukes 2.0 (newbie question)

    Hi all, my apologies if this is the wrong forum for this sort of thing but this was my best guess. I'm tasked with building a JDK 1.4.x compatible JBoss/Nukes combination and I'm totally new at this game of ant base...
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    last modified by lcavallo
  • how to build a standalone nuke core

    Hi I am quite new on jboss nukes. I check it from CVS head and be able to run build deploy-all. It works great. However, i want to build nuke core and external modules seperatly to get an full picture of nukes syste...
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    created by yxyang
  • Classpath problem when compiling customized Modules

    Hi, sorry for this cross-posting. While looking through this devel forum, I realize that my post may have been more relevant here. This is the post on "http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t...
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    last modified by dontrango
  • News module

    FYI I am totally rebuilding the modules news. -> Command design pattern -> Fixing lot of bugs -> Modifying the language resource (keys and values) In the purpose of: -> Cleaning code -> Ability to add ...
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    last modified by theute
  • Can users be deleted?

    Short of manually updating the db is there a way to delete(not just disable) users? I'm asking because I'm going through and setting up the relationships in the downloads EJBs and was wondering if I needed to handle n...
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    last modified by chasetec
  • Nukes 2.x

    I have commited the code for the Nukes 2. The wiki contains a description : http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Nukes2. It contains : an howto the roadmap an architecture description julien
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    last modified by julien1
  • Problems with BB module

    Hi!! I have another problem... My module BB have a error,when acced to the url:/nukes/index.html?module=bb&op=main, but only when the user are log... ERROR [bb]Not possible to invocate the operation java.lang....
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    last modified by anabela
  • Translation to Chinese

    Dear Julien Viet, I have finished a Chinese translation to Nukes and tested it. Could you let me know where I can put the source code? Cheers! Peter
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    last modified by peter_y_wang5
  • Release schedule for 1.1?

    Is RC3 the final release canadate for Nukes 1.1? When are we hoping to ship 1.1? Also, what is the criteria for module inclusion in HEAD versus the 1.1 branch? I know HEAD is for new features along with bug fixes and...
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    last modified by chasetec