Installing Custom Feature File Crashes FuseESB...I posted this on ServiceMix users email list also, but since I'm technically using Fuse ESB and not the "vanilla" ServiceMix installation, I thought I should try here instead: I've created my own feature.xml f...
Using cxf consumer and providerI've a external web service that I want to call through service mix using cxf consumer and provider. I've one cxf su that contains a xbean.xml file like this: org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstruction...
Fuse bundles (FAB) supportWe have been trying to use Fuse bundles (FAB) instead of regular OSGi bundle. We are using Fuse ESB v4.3.1 that includes ServiceMix 4.3.1 and Karaf 2.1.3. But when we are trying to ...
Upgrading to camel 2.9Hi guys, I have a question regarding upgrading to try out some of the camel 2.9 features within my current servicemix install. I would think all I need to do is add the features repo xml to the list, and then in...
Import-Package and bundle versionsHi, We have an issue with package versioning. We have a project which is built into two bundles: logic-client and logic. Logic imports 3 packages from logic-client, that is in the same version as logic itself ...
RegisterWebAppVisitorWC NoClassDefFoundErrorI got a NoClassDefFoundError for RegisterWebAppVisitorWC when I installed and ran a war file. The class it is complaining about is inside org.restlet.ext.servlet-2.0.0.jar, which is included in WEB-INF/lib of the war....
error installing cluster exampleHi, i'm new with service mix. I'm tring to install the cluster example, but it's not work. the log of smx2: 15:20:56,828 | INFO | ExtenderThread-3 | DefaultListableBeanFacto...
LDAP component in 2.8.0 versus 2.8.5Hello, we are using Fuse ESB and are trying to get the ldap component (with pagesize) working. It is working in camel 2.8.5ff (non Fuse ESB). It is not working in 2.8.0 which is included with the version of Fu...
No response found from routeI am testing a route, which i send in an object and get back an object. Its all test code so doesnt really do anything special. I have several tests, but 1 fails for an unknown reason. The one that fails is due to the...
Add my nexus repository to fetch features.Hello Everybody, I created a new features project to install my bundles. Then I deployed everything on my nexus repository that needs username and password to be accessed. Searching on internet I found out that I h...
Thread Jetty handlers (eg RewriteHandler) defined in jetty.xml don't work
Jetty handlers (eg RewriteHandler) defined in jetty.xml don't workI need to do a bit of URL re-writing in FuseESB. I've tried this through the etc/jetty.xml file by calling addHandler on the existing handler (so as not to break Pax Web from starting). However, it looks l...
start level for user bundlehelloo; I would know if the choice of the start level for my user bundle a is important. in fact, i have few dependant bundles and they start in the correct order even if the have the same start level....
Fuse doesn't work in remote debug modeThe last version of FUSE doesn't work in debug mode. I set up SERVICEMIX_DEBUG=TRUE env var. Then launch the fuse and have the error like the one described here
Memory optimizationHello, I use cxfbc-consumers and cxfbc-providers in apache-servicemix-4.4.1-fuse-07-11. When large messages (8 to 25 MB) are processed, the ESB consumes enorm amount of memory. I must configure Xmx to 2 GB to...
Thread Able to push messages in JBoss MQ but unable to consume messages
Able to push messages in JBoss MQ but unable to consume messagesHi, I have used BNDTools to prepare JBoss messaging client OSGi bundle. Please find attached org.jboss.messaging.client.osgi.library.jar at fileshare location:[
Thread How to recover data after an unexpected shutdown ?
How to recover data after an unexpected shutdown ?Hello, The camel route I developped reads files having a variable size in an input directory, then splits them into unitary element to aggregate them into fixed intermediate files before processing data. My issu occ...
camel-jpa problem in osgiHi, I'm running (I've same problem in snx 4.4.1-fuse) - Karaf 2.2.2 - Camel 2.8.1 - Aries 0.3 - OpenJPA 2.1.1 I have an oracle datasource to which I go without problems in camel bundle via jdbc. I...
how to access external libraries on unix?Hello, on unix I added in / lib and libraries sapjco3.jar I modified Javax.transaction is needed to Avoid class loader constraint violation When using javax.sql org....