• Trouble deploying to Service Mix from within FUSE Integration Designer

    I am able to successful start my server which is referencing serverice mix externally from the Fuse Integration Designer Servers perspective.  When I try to add the project to the running server I am getting a Nu...
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    last modified by jcornell
  • DSL: FUSE Integration Designer 1.2

    I have created a simple loopback example using DSL. The flow is JMS -> Contentbase -> JMS      public void configure() throws Exception {        ...
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    last modified by jkhan
  • fuse-integration-designer-1.2

    Hi,   Please can any one explain in designing a BPEL process in fuse-integration-designer-1.2     Thanks & Regards, Swapna
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    last modified by swapnasangal_sswapna
  • Does such a tool exist?

    I am looking for a tool that will take my current camel spring configuration and generate a EIP-like drawing. Preferably something in Visio.   I find it very time consuming to create the camel EIP drawings in Vi...
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    last modified by jamie3_james.archibald
  • Startup problem : fuse-integration-designer-1.2 (Linux)

    $ java -version java version "1.6.0_13" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.3-b02, mixed mode)   PATH=/local/disk/xxx/programs/jdk1.6.0_13:/local/d...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • Creating a remote FUSE ESB server instance

    Hi, folks:   According to the online help, I should be able to set up a remote FUSE ESB server instance from within the FID, but when I attempt to enter a host name other than 'localhost', my available server ty...
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    last modified by regamboa
  • FUSE Integration Designer 1.2

    I trying to use FUSE Integration Designer 1.2 and can draw my flow. JMS -> SetBody -> JMS. I am unable to run as application by adding required the following JARs: camel-jms--fuse.jar. It doesn't create a pom...
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    last modified by jkhan
  • Creating Fuse Integration Designer Diagram - [Next Step]

    Hi forum,   I´m trying learning more about Fuse Integration, but still with very difficult to learn and would like to know, which the next step, when created FIDD.   Maybe the next step, should be: ...
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    last modified by paulosampei_psampei
  • Integration Designer 1.1 Camel namespace problem

    The camel-debugger-tmpXXX.xml refers to a schemaLocation :   http://activemq.apache.org/camel/schema/spring http://activemq.apache.org/camel/schema/spring/camel-spring.xsd   which cannot work because the...
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    last modified by willy.goldgewicht
  • Importing FUSE 4.x into Eclipse

    Has anyone tried importing FUSE 4.x into Eclipse using the below ( Importing ServiceMix 3.0 into Eclipse ) instructions?   Is approach recommend for FUSE 4.0?   http://servicemix.apache.org/importing-servi...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • Integration Designer: Can I create a Composed Message Processor Pattern?

    Hi,   I want to create a  Composed Message Processor But in Eclipse I can't put more than one connections to "Aggregator" component. See the attached image to best undersanting (Name: composedMessageProc...
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    last modified by aordin
  • Integration Designer: Can I validate a message against an XSD?

    Hello,   Is is possible to create within the Integration Designer a way to validate a message against an XSD?   After the validation the message must either continue the process or it stops by sending an e...
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    last modified by jandouwevonk
  • Maven & OSGi & FUSE & Eclipse & Bundle Development

    Currently I am developing OSGi Service Bundles not EIPs.   Does PROGRESS have some documentation on how to integrate FUSE into Eclipse?  I have been developing on Eclipse using the default ?reference? OSGi ...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • Camel Integration Designer: "Export to Camel" is grayed out?

    Hi all,   I've created an EIP diagram using the Eclipse tool Integration Designer. When trying to create the Camel rule configuration -- right-click, menu option "Export to Camel" -- that selection is grayed out...
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    last modified by roger
  • Camel FTP Endpoint REGEX Pattern

    I'm using Apache Camel and I'm connecting to an FTP Server with the FTP endpoint.   My URL looks like: &binary=true&localWorkDirectory=/tmp&include=*zip   I only want to download .zip files fro...
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    last modified by xyber
  • Problems with archetype catalog file.

    Hello,   In my Eclipse Maven env, I added http://repo.open.iona.com/maven2/ as a remote archetype catalog, just as instructed here.   When trying to create a new Maven project with the archetype servi...
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    last modified by mielket
  • Integration Designer installation issues

    I am trying to install integration designer on eclipse 3.4.1. I followed the instruction in the installation guide. However I get the following error   Cannot complete the request.  See the details. Canno...
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    last modified by joseph_rex
  • I can't find the EIP or Camel Context Run configuation.

    Hello all,   I have installed Fuse (apparently successfuly), I am able to create EIP, export them as Camel context, and everything. But, when I try to run or debug them, I cant find the FUSE Integration Designe...
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    last modified by jucaro
  • Can't install Fuse Integration Designer on Ganymede 3.4.1

    Greetings,   After having followed all the pre-requisits documented in the Installation Guide, trying to install Fuse Integration Designer in Ganymede 3.4.1 raises the following error:   Unsatisfied depend...
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    last modified by seymour-glass
  • Can't plug FUSE into Eclipse Ganymede

    Hi,   How do I plug FUSE tools into Eclipse Ganymede?   I tried to follow instructions posted at http://fusesource.com/id/1.1/install_guide/IGFuseIdInstall.html. At step 9 (click Install button after selec...
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    last modified by bohdankalman