• Teiid : Insert Data to MySQL DB from flatfile source model.

    Hi,   Any one please tell me if it is possible to put data into MySQL database from a flatfile source model.   After continuous analysis about Jboss Data Virtualization and Teiid Designer what i found was...
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    last modified by sarathksnair
  • How to start service on Windows OS

    Installed JBoss DV on windows.  How do you start the services?  There is no menu option or windows service to start it.  Installation did not provide an option to start service after install.
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    last modified by jldominguez
  • Why only one translator (Oracle) is showing

    I have Jboss server and EA studio installed. For whatever reason, the translator only shows "Oracle". I do have an error in the log. Did I miss anything? Thanks. eclipse.buildId=unknown java.version=1.7.0_51 java.ven...
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    last modified by lightsailpro
  • How to fix invalid deployed VDB

    Same setup as in discussion with title: SQL script doesn't get pushed down to Aster Teradata data source  ENV'NT Aster Teradata cluster (ATC)  <-->  JBoss DV with Dev Studio & Teiid (JDV)...
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    last modified by stavroskalamat
  • Error executing statement with Oracle 11g

    Hi Datavirt masters,   I'm currently virtualizing some Oracle 11g tables with the JBDS. I did the Source Model for my table, with the JBDS wizard. Went fine, can see my table in the studio and can preview the d...
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    last modified by vince_fr
  • Error while importing REST web service as source in Teiid Designer

    Hello all - I am trying to import REST API as a source in Teiid Designer but I am getting the following error message.     Description Resource Path Location Type The number of columns/elements in Rest...
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    last modified by jjaideep2000
  • JBOSS Data virtualization tools compatability!!?

    Hi,   Are the data virtualization tools compatible with my jboss-6.1.0-final server or will I need to upgrade to the EAP?   Thank you, Christian!
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    last modified by christian.weaves
  • Issue when previewing data from oracle 11g db

    Hi Worked quite a bit on JBDS and Teiid now. Works fine and really exciting. Until now, I was federating data from web services and flat files. Now going to relational : oracle 11g data.   I have a server (L...
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    last modified by vince_fr
  • Any downsides to the implicit conversion of dates to strings when using a dynamic VDB?

    Hi,   I deployed a dynamic VDB for a SQL Server database and noticed that the date columns are shown as strings when I check the column type metadata via DB Visualizer. Data Virtualization performs implicit con...
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    last modified by lselecky
  • Teiid exception on SQL order

    Hi, Running the following simple query :   select tsp from F33S13 group by tsp order by CASE WHEN tsp IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, tsp ASC   ... gives the issue : org.teiid.runtime.client.TeiidClientExce...
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    created by vince_fr
  • JBDS (Luna) - cannot open Teiid designer

    Hi I am trying to create a Teiid project in JBDS 8 beta, and am getting the following error:   The selected wizard could not be started. Plug-in org.teiid.designer.ui was unable to load class org.teiid.designe...
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    created by magick93
  • Plagued with previews issues

    Hi (Ramesh     )   After setting up JBDV, Teiid etc ... and made all that working, I virtualized data from WS, RDB, flatfiles. The vdb, once deployed, works fine.   After a couple of days, ...
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    created by vince_fr
  • DashBoard export error with both csv and xls.

    I am testing Dashboard which come with JBoss Data Virtualization. Then, I have errors when I tried to export data to csv, or xls files by clicking icons from data table. csv, xls both made error output, I checked Int...
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    last modified by kako.hiroshi
  • Big Data Webinar Series with Hortonworks and Data Virtualization

    I will be doing 2 of the webinars with Hortonworks in September with demonstrations.  As the enterprise's big data program matures and Apache Hadoop becomes more deeply embedded in critical operations, the abilit...
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    created by kpeeples
  • JBOSS DV installation is failing

    Here are some helpful comments.   Windows Java Env'nt Variables: 1) we have entered a JAVA_HOME System Variable with value C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_60 2) In the string of Path variable we have added %JAV...
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    last modified by stavroskalamat
  • Question about restrictions on creating new, non-temporary tables in a VDB from a client connection.

    The documentation describes the ability to create local and foreign temporary tables.   If an application needs to create permanent tables (for aggregations or pivots), is there a way to do this now or later? ...
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    last modified by lselecky
  • Unable to preview data by connecting to Oracle Express edition 11G R2

    We have started using Jboss Teiid for the data virtualization needs for our customer. We are using   Eclipse Kelper Teiid designer 8.3 Jboss AS 7.1.1 Teiid Runtime 8.3.0 Oracle Database Express Edition 11g ...
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    last modified by kartikmm
  • Questions about creating VDBs procedurally (i.e, outside of the Teiid designer).

    Hi,   I'm new to JBoss DV but I've explored the Groovy-based admin shell and looked through Chapter 9 in Red_Hat_JBoss_Data_Virtualization-6-Development_Guide_Reference_Material-en-US.pdf which is on VDB definit...
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    last modified by lselecky
  • How to use URL in DashBoard builder

    I  can not open a page with a url which I defined in current page properties panel on dashboard builder.    When I specify URL like "http://centosv63:8080/dashboard/workspace/en/xxx/uriage01" in a bro...
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    last modified by kako.hiroshi
  • Error when using AdminShell to load external materialized view from source table

    I have an Error which below when I used Adminshell to load date to external matelialized target table from source table with script.   *** The script I used is this *** sql = connect("jdbc:teiid:UriageVDB@mm://...
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    last modified by kako.hiroshi