• EIP Quickstart example, error during osgi:install

    I am working with the EIP Quickstart example and getting the error bellow during osgi:install:   JBossFuse:admin@root> osgi:install -s mvn:org.jboss.quickstarts.fuse/eip/6.1.0.redhat-SNAPSHOT Error executing...
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    last modified by javaoz
  • Jboss Fuse 6.2.1 installation on windows 7 problem.

    i tried to install jboss fuse ( i tried 6.2, 6.2.1) versions on windows 7, i downloaded zip files, while extracting zip file, i get exception that Cannot create folder D:\jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-133\system\org\apache...
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    last modified by seeaganesh
  • InVM transport

    Hi!   We have been working a porting between Jboss ESB and Fuse ESB. In Jboss ESB there is a function InVM transport with the function:   "The ServiceInvoker will always use a Service's local InVM Endpoin...
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    last modified by zozi76
  • Camel+ActiveMQ redelivery blocking story

    Hi, I have a test route starting from queue with fault thrown and redelivery set. Could somebody explain me a strange behavior of redelivery - there are 2 routes in context with direct component from one to another. ...
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    last modified by afilippov
  • Using io.rest-assured in pax exam with Fuse

    I'm trying to use the io.rest-assured package in an integration test with pax exam on Fuse.  The problem I'm having is that it needs the full org.hamcrest distribution, but a partial package is loaded with the or...
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    last modified by dbayub
  • jbds 10 with fuse support

    i installed jbds 10 today and went to install the fuse/integration feature, but it's nowhere to be found.  any idea when this might be available?
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • Autowiring a Spring Bean from a jar

    Hi,   I have a Camel project that reads/writes data to a RabbitMQ. I wanted to add a jar that a co-worker wrote as a dependency and autowire a bean from that jar in my camel project.   I added the jar to t...
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    last modified by mraza1
  • Active MQ integration with Jboss fuse 6.2.1 on Jboss EAP 6.4

    Hi All, Active MQ is included in Jboss fuse 6.2.1. Can you please tell me how to integrate with switchyard? Does the standalone configuration already includes activemq configuration?Or do we need to add the active ...
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    last modified by ravi21588
  • FeaturesService service is unavailabe?

    Hi,   I am trying to install camel-http feature but when I try to add a feature as described in this JBoss Fuse tutorial (GitHub - FuseByExample/websocket-activemq-camel: Example showing How to use HTML5 WebSock...
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    last modified by mraza1
  • org.apache.camel.NoTypeConversionAvailableException

    Hi,   I'm trying to call web service exposed by third party. After receiving the response I'm wrapping the response to the appropriate class. While marshaling the object of the wrapper class to xml string using ...
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    created by rchhabria
  • Spring 4 support in Fuse

    Does fuse provide features for SpringFramework version 4.0.0, As we can see inbuilt spring version of fuse is 3.2.8 ?
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    last modified by rvashishth
  • Hawtio - Fuse 6.2.1 on Jboss EAP

    Hi All, I had installed jboss fuse 6.2.1 on eap platform 6.2.1. As per product documentation it says hawtio is already included in the product.is hawtio configuration already included in jboss fuse 6.2.1? if so ca...
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    last modified by ravi21588
  • JBoss Fuse and COBOL copybook

    Hello   I am using JBoss Fuse 6.2 and I want to transfer data between my route and COBOL system in form of copybook. What is the best way to get this implemented. Do I have to depend on some custom parsers for...
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    last modified by sonyjop
  • http response is getting to null immediately in camel route

    Trying to access a http(on Jetty component) link which responds with an JSON. The response reaches the client produces endpoint in a route. but goes null in the next step. no idea how this happens. because of this I...
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    last modified by sonyjop
  • How to reload camel context automatically in openshift 3.x using fis-java

    I have previous experience in Apache Camel and JBoss Fuse and I am new to Openshift version 3.x I am trying to deploy a camel application which is developed using java dsl and spring DI.   I am using an external...
  • Is switchyard part of JBoss Fuse ?

    Am a newbie to JBOSS Middleware products. Based on my research there are 3 different products to consider while implementing SOA. Which would be an ideal product to consider for implementing SOA ?, it seems functional...
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    last modified by suriz4u
  • Fuse 6.2.1 - Maven deploy - Checksum validation

    I am working on deploying a large project to Fuse 6.2.1.  At the moment, I am creating one large profile using the fabric8-maven-plugin that uploads it to Fuse.  I am then creating a child container with thi...
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    last modified by awentzell
  • Error during dispatch.

    Hi All,   I'm new to JBOSS Fuse technology. I'm trying to implement the sample cfx-rs rest example, but getting the attached error while building the project.   Procduct Stack used: JBOSS Developer studio...
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    last modified by rchhabria
  • unable to install fuse eap installer 6.2.1 in windows.

    Hi all, Iam trying to install jboss fuse eap 6.2.1 in windows machine. i have downloaded fuse-eap-installer-6.2.1.redhat-084 from jboss site. when i double click on the installer it is not executing the executables,so...
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    last modified by ravi21588
  • Camel Servlet continuation Exception - How to catch it and send customized response to caller?

    Hello,   I have a major issue in a complex integration environment. In my environment, I have series of fuse routes listening on different network ports, they perform simple routing and if needed transformatio...
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    last modified by smogare