RichFaces 4.5.2.Final is available for download.


In this release we have mostly fixed look-and-feel client-side issues, the most impactful being the ability to scroll rich:extendedDataTable without the use of the scrollbar (e.g.with a touchpad or mouse scroll button). We have also fixed server-side issues with visiting components that were not supposed to be visited (such as unrendered columns or collapsed collapsiblePanels).


NOTE: We have upgraded jQuery to the latest version but due to a bug in one of its libraries Firefox users will often encounter a "not well-formed" console warning. It is safe to ignore and will be fixed in the next version of jQuery.


Release Notes


  • [RF-10714] -         Message: icon trimmed
  • [RF-10817] -         Panel menu item: same icon for enabled and disabled state
  • [RF-10834] -         File upload: default labels not used
  • [RF-10964] -         autocomplete delete key behavior creates inconsistent state
  • [RF-10971] -         rich:tooltip doesn't work in rich:extendedDataTable
  • [RF-11218] -         showcase - rich:fileUpload - there is no file name information of uploaded file
  • [RF-11678] -         rich:extendedDataTable column resize problem when placed in absolute positioned container
  • [RF-11679] -         rich:extendedDataTable window resize problem when placed in absolute positioned container
  • [RF-12482] -         rich:fileUpload, the upload button disappeared after deleting a uploaded file
  • [RF-13177] -         rich:extendedDataTable scrolling broken on OS-X
  • [RF-13595] -         rich:validator doesn't work when loaded via ajax (re-render)
  • [RF-13711] -         a4j:ajax status does not work as expected
  • [RF-13721] -         dataTable: columnClasses attribute doesn't work as described
  • [RF-13780] -         Random JavaScript error due to missing attribute 'richfaces.RICH_CONTAINER'
  • [RF-13949] -         push: error in browser console after push enabled/disabled
  • [RF-13950] -         Photoalbum tests need to be migrated + create testing profiles
  • [RF-13957] -         select: clicking on the bottom part of the input does not trigger onclick event
  • [RF-13958] -         collapsibleSubTable: the most nested CST remains collapsed after parent CST re-expands
  • [RF-13959] -         a4j:mediaOutput doesn't work if createContent is an EL expression
  • [RF-13961] -         push: initialization of topic with subtopic will prevent sending push messages to this topic or to its subtopics
  • [RF-13962] -         typo in rich:hotKey description on showcase
  • [RF-13963] -         a4j calls and repeatable components
  • [RF-13965] -         rich:select popup not displayed after clearing whole input
  • [RF-13968] -         Showcase: autocomplete sample is using wrong attribute autoFill instead of autofill
  • [RF-13969] -         rich:accordion height of first element is wrongly computed when switchType is "client".
  • [RF-13978] -         UIDataAdaptor doesn't handle VisitHint.SKIP_ITERATION, doesn't check unrendered columns
  • [RF-13979] -         editor: 'basic' toolbar is same as 'full'
  • [RF-13980] -         Initially Page loaded with Data in ExtendedDatatable, after zoom out in  Browser the Data is not displayed in ExtendedDatatable.
  • [RF-13982] -         Photoalbum - image for FB login missing
  • [RF-13988] -         collapsiblePanel stops rendering of following components


        Component  Upgrade

  • [RF-13730] -         Upgrade Mojarra in build/pom.xml
  • [RF-13975] -         Upgrade third-party libraries



  • [RF-13939] -         Rich:chart plotClick shouldn't be restricted to series points.
  • [RF-13964] -         Pom Cleanup