This Week in JBoss: April 16nd, 2020
Posted by rpelisse in Weekly Editorial on Apr 16, 2020 12:05:38 PMWelcome to another installment of our JBoss Editorial! As mentioned a few weeks ago, we are still looking for a new (and better) place to host our editorial. We are making good progress on this and we should move soon to a new platform. That being said, let’s move right into today’s editorial!
Evangelist's Corner
As always, our very own Eric D.Schabell has published content regularly in the past weeks, including the following items:
- Integrating with SaaS Applications - Example Processes and 3rd-party Platform Integration
- All Things Open 2020 - Sharing microservice mayhem, careers, and storytelling
- Code Ready Containers - Installing decision management from developer container catalog
Drools and JBPM
Drools and JBPM are always a rich subject matter and if you happen to delve into these realms, you'll probably be interested in these two parts tutorial on Running an event-driven health management business process through a few scenarios (Part 1) (followed by
Running an event-driven health management business process through end user scenarios (Part 2) ). Another blog also offers feedback on Drools & jBPM: Functional Programming in DMN: it FEELs like recursing my university studies again
On the product shelf
We generally don't mention too much the Red Hat Middleware products associated with the JBoss projects in this editorial (it is a community blog post), but there have been two announcements worth mentioning here in the last weeks. First of all, JBoss EAP 7.3 was released and brings new packaging capabilities (as my team worked a lot of this release and we're quite proud 7.3 is out, I thought I'll mention it). The other announcement is the release of Red Hat Data Grid 8.0 which brings new server architecture, improved REST API, and more.
Here are a few more technical articles for you to explore depending on your taste. The first one covers migrating a Spring Boot microservices application to Quarkus, obviously a very interesting topic for any Java developer. A more practical article follows, discussing deploying projects to Apache Felix, Tomcat, and Karaf in VS Code. Then we would suggest looking into Capture database change data with Debezium Apache Kafka connectors, which will bring you to look at very different considerations. Finally, another article mentioning Quarkus: How to quickly run 100 Camels with Apache Camel, Quarkus and GraalVM.
Releases, releases, releases...
Enough of JVM head dump and other javal.lang.Exception? Take a look at something else - that will come in handy in your daily Java work, with this tutorial on Migrating applications to OpenShift!
That's all for another edition of the JBoss Editorial, please join us again for more exciting development from the JBoss Communities.