This Week in JBoss: February 20, 2020
Posted by rpelisse in Weekly Editorial on Feb 20, 2020 7:44:09 AMWelcome to another installment of our JBoss editorial, but also our last on the jboss.org. Indeed, we’ll be migrating the editorial to the Red Hat developer blog quite soon (as jboss.org is no longer hosting blogs). Don’t worry, you won’t even need to update your feed, we’ll provide a redirect… And now, to the news of the last two weeks…
So long, jboss.org! Thanks for all the fish...
As you may be already aware, this website will become readonly on the 3rd of March. That’s why many projects have been moving their blog to a new location. That being said, don’t worry, the editorial will carry on, simply on another platform. We’ll provide redirect to play and I’ll ensure a smooth transition for all our reader. (Feel free to ping me if you run into any trouble).
Riding the (Apache) Camel (3)
With the recent release of Camel 3, it’s time to ride again the desert animal and explore its (newly) acquired features! Fortunately, Claus Ibsen has thought of that and he released a series of articles on Camel core optimization:
- Apache Camel 3.1 - More camel-core optimizations coming
- Apache Camel 3.1 - More camel-core optimizations coming (Part 2)
- Apache Camel 3.1 - More camel-core optimizations coming (Part 3)
Also, don't forget that Apache Camel is supported by Quarkus. Maybe a nice way to expore (or explore again) using Camel ?
Image by markwgallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0
If you are interested in process management with Drools and jBPM, we hope you have not missed this article on Drools & jBPM: PMML revisited! Also, the last two weeks brought you a threat as you have an interesting two-parts article waiting for you :
- Designing an event-driven business process at scale: A health management example, Part 1 - Red Hat Developer
- Designing an event-driven process at scale: Part 2 - Red Hat Developer
It’s no secret that handling … secrets is one of the most challenging topics when it comes to software deployment. With that in mind, you’ll love to learn more on Using secrets in Kafka Connect configuration.
Evangelist's Corner
As always, our very own Eric D. Schabell has been quite productive in the last weeks. He released an article on Integrating with SaaS Applications - Example CRM Integration along with a Beginners Guide - HR Employee Rewards Process Automation Workshop ! Have fun with those!
Releases, releases, releases...
It would not be another week in JBoss without at least a pair of new releases :
- Blog: Infinispan Spring Boot Starter released with Spring Boot 2.2.4.RELEASE - Infinispan
- Keycloak - Blog - Keycloak 9.0.0 released
If you want to take a peek outside our usual Java world, you might find this article on OpenShift Actions: Deploy to Red Hat OpenShift directly from your GitHub repository quite compelling, but most importantly, quite useful if you deploy on OpenShift!
That's all for another edition of the JBoss Editorial, please join us again for more exciting development from the JBoss Communities.