• Using modeshape with other JTA transaction

    Hi all! I have an application that using spring & modeshape, running in tomcat server. It's using jboss jta to manage jta transaction. I want store data in my own database & also in modeshape store. But when...
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    last modified by kiddinho
  • Encrypting JDBC Connection details for Modeshape

    All,   I am using Modeshape 3.8.0 Final and infirnispan 5.3.0.Final. My modeshape-repository-config.json refers to the infinispan-config.xml.     infinispan uses stringKeyedJdbcStore, the JDBC connec...
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    last modified by deepak_a
  • Query on using FileSystem as Modeshape Repository

    All,   I am using Modeshape 3.8.0.Final and infinispan 5.3.0.Final. So far i have been using a Database as the repository.   I am trying to also support filesystem (directory on the disk) as the repositor...
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    last modified by deepak_a
  • Custom Node Types not showing in modeshape-explorer

    I have a large number of custom node types registered in ModeShape. I have used a number of sequencers to populate the repository. The data is there and is accessible to the rest of the application.   When usi...
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    last modified by cobraflow
  • Nullpointer exception in LazyCachedNode since version 3.6.1.Final

    Hello!   We are using Modeshape in a clustered configuration, where the workspaces, indexes and persistent caches are all configured in cluster mode. When trying to upgrade to Modeshape 3.6.1.Final (or any newe...
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    last modified by dev_java
  • how to prevent caching between multiple sessions

    Hi,   I am using EAP 6.3.0, Modeshape 3.8.0, Infinispan 5.3.0.Final.     What I obersved is - if I create a Node via a 1st JCR Session, then save the session. Open a new session and attempt to add an...
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    last modified by deepak_a
  • Is it possible to make Modeshape use more than one core?

    We have a server which has 2 CPU cores. I am running a jboss application on it that use modeshape 3.6. when started jboss with a complet modeshape reindexing I only see 1 process running , and I feel like it won't us...
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    last modified by rachidweb
  • Failing to load jgroups config file

    Modeshape fails to load the jgroups configuration file. I have a web application in which I have embedded Modeshape.  I am using Modeshape 3.8.0. I have the following configuration in my Modeshape configuration...
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    last modified by rwoolf
  • Accessing modeshape deployed in JBoss from a standalone Application

    Hi,   I am using Modeshape 3.8.0.Final, Infinispan 5.2.7.Final running in JBoss.   I have deployed my artifacts to modeshape in JBoss using modeshape-jcr.rest API.   I can see my artifacts under ...
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    last modified by deepak_a
  • empty repository after restore

    we currently want to migrate from jboss as 7.1.1 modeshape 3.1.3 to eap 6.1, modeshape 3.7.2 using the backup and restore methods from the modeshape RepositoryManager   it worked very well with all our small t...
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    last modified by poirot
  • Errors while restoring the ModeShape repository

    I'm trying to perform backup and restore operations using ModeShape API, running into some issues. Please find the details below, appreciate any inputs Cache configuration in standalone.xml <cache-container ...
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    last modified by vpeddireddi
  • Compressed binaries on filesystem

    Hello!   We start using Modeshape from version 3.2.0 and some time ago notice several compressed binaries in binaryStorage which is configured to file system. This files looks like GZIP archive 218db5beb577bdf96...
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    last modified by leonid.marushevskiy
  • LockingMode.PESSIMISTIC in infinispan for modeshape throwing errors.

    Hi I am using JBOSS EAP 6.1.0 + Modeshape 3.7.1 +  Infinispan5.2.7.FINAL + MS SQLSERVER database . Everything is working very fine and smooth till i m using LockingMode.OPTIMISTIC . When i am trying to ...
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    last modified by nimit.agrawal
  • Clustering - sync/async replication

    I am try to figure out most useful configuration when cluster enabled. I noticed that async replication mode is not stable. I have two testcases one - create documents in random repository and check if the changes are...
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    last modified by eshevchenko
  • modeshape webdave and web explorer

    From documents i saw WebDAV Service webexplorer service -- i have created an embeded repository in the main(java) and and i have created some folders and  i have attached the files to it. now that i want to conne...
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    last modified by antonid
  • query join problem

    Hello there,  I've run into a serious problem (I think) , but maybe it's just my lack of experience with modeshape sql2 query language. We have the following situation:       ...
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    last modified by janvandeklok
  • configuring modeshape subsystem

    Hi,   sorry if I'm asking newbie question, but currently I'm lost in configuration. I need to store files on some file server that is different from where JBoss server resides. This is the config from modeshap...
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    last modified by basicmodeshaper
  • Something wrong about config for clustering in the document:"channelConfiguration"

    In the "clustering" section of the repository JSON configuration when using "channelConfiguration" : "config/jgroups-config.xml" Log would looks like:   May 08, 2014 4:10:08 Afternoon org.infinispan.remoting.t...
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    last modified by mickshi
  • Help with built-in JAAS configuration

    I need help to understand how the built-in JAAS authentication works. Is there additional configuration required? I tried with with 2 configurations and in both cases the default JAAS policy modeshape-jcr was not rec...
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    last modified by gorgi.terziev
  • custom authentication, when I can access my updated security context, maybe I'm confused

    OK, I've got a custom authentication.. public class IrodsAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {...@Override  public ExecutionContext authenticate(Credentials credentials,  String reposito...
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    last modified by mike.conway