This week in JBoss (30 Aug 2012): Fish On!
Posted by eschabell in Weekly Editorial on Aug 31, 2012 4:48:58 AMWelcome to another week in the world of JBoss.org!
This week we again catch you up with lots of news in the wonderful world of JBoss. Summer is winding down, students are heading back to university, the weather is starting to cool a bit around my area of the world. In short, time to shake of the lazy vacation temperament and get back on the horse. Get back into the coding game. With this fresh bit of energy we bring you the following news.
From 1-3 October you can hear both Mark Little and myself talking at GOTO Aarhus (I am talking best practices in BRMS).
The biggest news this week would have to be the acquisition of Polymita, a BPM start-up in Spain. Both Mark Little and Kris Verleanen posted articles on this subject.
Blogs / Articles
Pretty neat article over on javalobby on DZone about a company called EPAMEDIA using Drools Planner for the dynamic placement of subjects on its media sites.
Last week there was a webinar on best practices for large scale enterprise rules and process deployments, you can catch the recording here. It covers both Drools and jBPM in the JBoss BRMS product.
Gunner Morling is asking for some feedback on bean validation for method validation and inheritance, help him out! David Bosschaert is also looking for feedback on a slew of OSGI RFP's, please take a look and comment.
Andre Diethisheim put together a very nice example for explaining how to make use of the JBoss library behind OpenShift cli access.
Marek Goldmann talks about how to generate a database schema with OpenJPA and Hibernate in this blog.
A list of new project releases, enjoy!
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Before closing it all out this week, I want to welcome back all of the coders that have been on vacation, students that are moving back into their dorms to get ready for the new school year and the rest of you out there that have just decided to get back to work. Slacking and relaxing time is over! Time to get back to fishing for that perfect project to work on and polish up some code for a fresh commit. Like we say where I come from: