Normally we would welcome you back to another week of JBoss activities, but there has been a bit of a gap between the last post and this one. On the one hand you missed out on last weeks news, but on the other hand I have a lot of interesting stuff to catch you up on. So lets get this kicked off with all that is new in JBoss over the last few weeks.
Koen Aers posted a short article on his adventures at the Eclipse Day Florence.
A report from the Singapore JBUG where they got a JBoss BRMS Primer.
Only a week or so until JUDCon and Summit kick off in the United States, catch Hibernate sessions there.
A special event was the first ever release of the Immutant project, congratulations on the 1.0.0.Beta1.
Blogs / Articles
JBoss Forge 2 project has a preview out on video, check it out.
Errai talks about non-trivial security in GWT.
An interesting interview about the OSGi Expert Group over on infoQ.
Interested in storing arrays on Infinispan 5.3 without wrapper objects, well read about how to do it over on their blog.
A nice look at choosing ACID vs BASE over on howtojboss.com.
Updates published to Rewards Demo and Customer Evaluation Demo, both JBoss BRMS based demos now work on JBoss EAP 6.1.0.
The RHQ project talks about support for paging in their Rest-API.
Infinispan now supports interoperability between embedded and server endpoints.
The Drools team put together a video tour of the newest releases for their Guvnor, a video tour of backward-chaining features, slides on the newest features in v6, and finally a post on how to build and run the newest components.
Interested in a closer look at domain mode on Fedora's JBoss AS?
A discourse on 2PC or 3PC, will make you think a bit. From the same JBoss TS team we have a look at compensating transactions.
JGroups talks about making a shift to the Apache License for their project, following in the footsteps of Infinispan.
A list of new project releases, enjoy!