This week in JBoss (February 28th 2014): JBoss in the Wild
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on Feb 28, 2014 3:57:25 PMJBoss in the Wild
If you are interested in meeting with, and talking to, some of the JBoss developers then you have two fantastic opportunities coming up over the next couple of months.
The first opportunity will be during EclipseCon 2014, being held in San Francisco from March 17th to 20th. This event sees a number of sessions being given by Red Hat employees such as Fred Bricon, Gorken Ercan, Bob Brodt and David Bosschaert. In addition to these session there is also an opportunity to spend a full day learning about Vert.x with presentations being given by many of the leading experts, including Tim Fox. If you are interested in any of these technologies then book your place for what promises to be a very informative and worthwhile event.
The second opportunity will be during DevNation and Red Hat Summit, taking place in San Francisco from April 13th to 17th. DevNation consists of numerous developer focussed presentations covering technologies such as Camel, OpenShift, AeroGear, SwitchYard, jBPM, Drools and many more. With most of the presentations being given by the leading experts in these technologies this event provides another informative, developer focussed opportunity for learning, meeting the experts and debating any topic that may interest you. There may even be a few beers to be had
Examining Mobile Development with Cordova
Mobile development is something that is on the radar of most developers, whether this be the development of native applications or those created using hybrid technologies such as Apache Cordova. Another choice that we often make is whether to develop from the command line or through integrated support within an IDE; luckily we have both avenues covered. Arun Gupta has taken some time to show how easy it is to create a Cordova application from the command line with Gorkem Ercan demonstrating similar capabilities within JBoss Tools 4.2.0 Beta 1.
Infinispan and Parallel Execution of Map/Reduce Tasks
Infinispan has long supported the fully distributed execution of both Map and Reduce phases of the tasks however the downside was that each node executed these tasks within a single thread. With the community release of Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha1 this has now changed as this release introduces the ability to execute these tasks in parallel.
REST versus WebSockets
Arun Gupta, while travelling the world to give his Java EE7 presentations, has many conversations with those who turn up to learn. One of the most common questions asked during these conversations is on how REST compares to WebSockets. Arun has recently tackled this question in a post that discusses the pros and cons of each approach, including examining the performance of each through a micro benchmark, all with the intention of providing you with sufficient information to spur discussions.
RHQ source moves to GitHub
If you are interested in, or indeed already following, the work of the RHQ team then you should be aware that they have recently moved their source code repository over to GitHub. This move should make it easier for everyone to obtain the source and contribute changes through pull requests.
Kris Verlaenen and Prakash Aradhya will be presenting a webinar demonstrating how quickly you can get started building powerful workflow automation solutions. The webinar takes place on Wednesday March 12th.
The end of March brings three opportunities to join an interesting webinar discussing rules execution with a focus on how decision tables. If you are interested in these technologies, and are available on Thursday March 27th or Friday March 28th, then register and learn.
New Releases
Brett has announced two releases from the Hibernate ORM team, Hibernate ORM 4.2.9.Final and Hibernate ORM 4.3.2.Final. Both releases contain numerous bug fixes and have been heavily focussed on improving performance.
Thomas has announced the release of the Arquillian OSGi 2.1.0.CR12 component
Barry has announced the release of Teiid Designer 8.4 Beta1, focussing primarily on upgrading the Teiid client compatibility to include support for Teiid 8.6.
Max has announced the release of JBoss Tools 4.2.0 Alpha2, the first working alpha release that focusses on integration with Eclipse Luna. This release comes with a host of new features including improvements for Cordova, Arquillian, BrowserSim, OpenShift and many more.
Dan has announced the release of Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha1. This release includes support for several new features including support for clustered listeners, the ability to execute Map/Reduce tasks on multiple threads, the building blocks of cache security and improved support for OSGi in the HotRod java client.
The Forge team have announced the release of JBoss Forge 2.1.1.Final, following quickly on the heels of their 2.1.0.Final release. This release addresses 51 issues making this the fastest and most reliable release of all.
That's all for this week, join us again next week to discover more from the world of JBoss