This week in JBoss (9th January 2015): Start out 2015 with JBoss
Posted by kpeeples in Weekly Editorial on Jan 9, 2015 2:50:23 PMThe holidays were a blur as they seem to fly by at the blink of an eye. The holidays are a great time to enjoy family, even though sometimes it may seem like a Christmas Vacation movie. Also it is great to catch up on sleep when possible. For those that can't tear themselves away from technology, the holidays do not slow down progress. In this weeks editorial we close out 2014 and start 2015.
The Year in Review for 2014 (The Last Editorial Week)
The last week of 2014 started with cleaning up wrapping, eating leftovers and putting away decorations. The end of the week was a preparation and celebration of the last day of the year and the beginning of the new year. Celebrations took place across the globe. While some chose to go out into the crowds, I chose to stay home and watch the celebrations on TV with my family.
Year in review postings
- Eric Schabell posted his year in Review with his thank you dance - 2014 in review - JBoss Integration & BPM in the wild | Planet JBoss Developer
- Markus Eisele posted his year in Review - http://blog.eisele.net/2014/12/2014-twenty-fourteen-going-on-fifteen.html
Camel and ActiveMQ Highlights
- Christina Lin shows a simple demo with Camel CXF in Part 1 and Part 2
- I showed how to use HermesJMS with JBoss A-MQ - Using HermesJMS with JBoss A-MQ | Planet JBoss Developer
- I posted a blog on Transforming and Routing HL7 Messages with Camel - Transforming and Routing HL7 Messages with Camel | Planet JBoss Developer
- Claus Ibsen posted a posted sharing the three videos from Robin Huiser demonstrating Hawtio in action - Some great Hawtio videos by Robin Huiser | Planet JBoss Developer
Additional Postings from the final week of 2014
- Thomas Qvarnstrom shows how to improve performance on RHEL and OpenJDK - RHEL / OpenJDK - Performance Tuning | Planet JBoss Developer
- Jaikiran Pai describes remote JMX access to Wildfly - Remote JMX access to WildFly (or JBoss AS7) using JConsole | Planet JBoss Developer
- Gavin King discussed some new language features of Ceylon - Tuple and entry destructuring | Planet JBoss Developer
Great Expectations for the new Year for 2015 (The First Editorial Week)
I can't wait to see what is in store for JBoss Products and Projects in 2015. A couple of areas of interest that I look forward to are:
- Feedhenry Mobile integration with Middleware and Openshift - http://www.feedhenry.com/faq-red-hat-feedhenry/
- xPaaS updates for Openshift for Mobile, Integration, Application and Business Process Services - https://www.openshift.com/xpaas
Wildfly and Openshift
Marko Luksa published a series on a Wildfly cluster and Openshift Origin :
- Deploying a Wildfly cluster on Openshift Origin v3/Kubernetes Part 1 - http://mluksa.blogspot.ca/2015/01/deploying-wildfly-cluster-on-openshift.html
- Deploying a Wildfly cluster on Openshift Origin v3/Kubernetes Part 2 - http://mluksa.blogspot.com/2015/01/deploying-wildfly-cluster-on-openshift_7.html
New Releases
- JBoss Data Virtualization 6.1 Beta - http://www.jboss.org/products/datavirt/overview/
- Arquillian Container - Weblogic Project 1.0.0.Alpha3 - Arquillian Container - WebLogic Project 1.0.0.Alpha3 Released | Planet JBoss Developer
- Hibernate ORM 4.3.8Final and4.2.17.Final - Hibernate ORM 4.3.8.Final and 4.2.17.Final Released | Planet JBoss Developer
- Overlord RTGov 2.1.0.Beta1 - Overlord RTGov: 2.1.0.Beta1 Released! | Planet JBoss Developer
- Infinispan 7.0.3.Final - Infinispan 7.0.3.Final released ! | Planet JBoss Developer
Camel and ActiveMQ Highlights
- Christina Lin shows how to run cron jobs with Camel, uploading files using SFTP - JBoss Fuse - Running Cron Jobs with Camel, uploading files using SFTP. Part one | Planet JBoss Developer
- I posted an overview of getting started with your first Fuse application - Getting Started Quickly with JBoss Fuse | Planet JBoss Developer
- Christian Posta is doing a webinar on how to use patterns from SOA to build out inteligent routing systems with Apache Camel - Integrating Microservices With Apache Camel | Planet JBoss Developer
- Claus Isben shares the IDC Report on Business Value of using JBoss Fuse (with Apache Camel) - IDC Report on Business Value of using JBoss Fuse (with Apache Camel) | Planet JBoss Developer
Conference Highlights
- Maciej Swiderski will be doing a talk and Jiri Svatik, Maciej Swiderski and Radovan Synek will be doing a workshop at DevConf 2015 in Brno - jBPM talk and workshop at DevConf 2015 | Planet JBoss Developer
- Markus Eisele and Eric Schabell have submitted a talk to O'Reilly OSCON conference, There and back with JBoss-the developers journey - Taking the Developers Journey at OSCON 2015 | Planet JBoss Developer
Arun Gupta provided Tech Tips
- Wildfly Admin Console in a Docker image - WildFly Admin Console in a Docker image (Tech Tip #67) | Planet JBoss Developer
- Docker Orchectration using Fig - Docker orchestration using Fig (Tech Tip #68) | Planet JBoss Developer
- Reactive HTML presentations using Reveal.js, Gist and Openshift - Reactive HTML presentations using Reveal.js, Gist, and OpenShift (Tech Tip #69) | Planet JBoss Developer
Additional Postings from the first week of 2015
- Randall Hauch provided the articles for an introduction to ModeShape 4 on Wildfly - Introduction to ModeShape 4 on WildFly | Planet JBoss Developer
- Gorkem Ercan discusses using Genymotion when developing Cordova Applications - Using Genymotion when developing Cordova Applications | Planet JBoss Developer
- Eric Schabell posted
- How to Conquer National Censorship with xPaaS on Openshift - How To Conquer National Censorship With xPaaS on OpenShift | Planet JBoss Developer
- 4 ways to kick-start projects with business resource optimizer - 4 Ways To Kick-start Projects With Business Resource Optimizer | Planet JBoss Developer
- Overview of Governance Integration with JBoss BPM Suite Video - Overview of Governance Integration with JBoss BPM Suite (video) | Planet JBoss Developer