Java One returns to San Francisco next week and we are fortunate to have many Engineers presenting sessions on behalf of Red Hat and our communities.  If you are attending the conference then take a look at Markus' blog and see if you can find something that interests you.  You may also want to check out the mini-theater schedule at our booth for smaller presentations and don't forget to stop by the Red Hat party where you'll have another great chance to mingle with Red Hat Engineers and talk about anything that interests you.


BPM and Push Notifications


Integrating with mobile devices is often at the forefront of any modern development, a fact that is equally as true for those developing Business Processes.  If this is something that interests you then Kenny has a great article showing how easy it is to set up the push server and integrate it with a business process to send notifications back to those using mobile devices.


Running Kie Server alongside the Workbench


If you are running jBPM or drools in a development environment then you may wish to run both the Kie Server and the Workbench on the same machine.  Thanks to Maciej you now have all you need in order to set this up using either Wildfly or Tomcat.


Port Forwarding with the OpenShift V3 All-in-One Image


If you have been playing around with the OpenShift all-in-one image then you may also have been wondering how to use port forwarding to expose internal services, you may even have tried to make this work and been unsuccessful.  Fortunately this is a problem that Markus recently faced and solved, writing up all he details so that we do not have to go through the same process of discovery.


Asynchronous SQL through Vert.X


After a long break Clement continues his Introduction to Vert.X series with his next topic being the asynchronous JDBC client.  Through the use of a working example Clement discusses the setup and initialisation of the asynchronous client before showing how it can be used within an asynchronous application.




On November 12th there will be a webinar introducing BPMS, entitled 6 Steps to Your First Process with JBoss BPM Suite Starter Kit.  Register now to reserve your place!


New Releases


That's all for this week, join us again next week when we will bring you more articles from the JBoss Communities and plenty of news from the upcoming Java One conference.