The Last Week in JBoss (13th November 2015): Devoxx, Java EE and More!
Posted by myfear in Weekly Editorial on Nov 16, 2015 1:03:00 PMAs if we would have anticipated something to happen. This years Friday the thirteenth marks the week, we failed to deliver the weekly editorial. The good new: You get two this week. But beside this, the week has been pretty busy as usual. Here's the latest happenings of last week with all the relevant JBoss Community News.
Ceylon News
As you might know, Ceylon already has the most feature rich IDE of any modern language for the JVM, with some features that even the Java IDE for Eclipse doesn't have. But IntelliJ users don't like having to switch to Eclipse when they code Ceylon, so a few months ago we got serious about porting Ceylon IDE to IntelliJ. And another post shows you how to write and publish a bare-bones application on OpenShift Online.
Java EE And More
I had the pleasure to give two talks at Øredev. One of them is about my favorite topic: Security and Java EE. It is designed to fulfill two goals. On the one side to introduce the typical Java EE developer to the overall application security process and main objectives. But also to look at the details about what Java EE has to offer. Learn all about Security and Java EE in my blog-post. And after that, it was Devoxx Belgium time. There has been a lot of Java EE involved also. The CDI reference implementation Weld released a development mode and JMX support. And finally, the JBoss EAP 7 ALPHA release went out! Right in time to look back and ask, if Java EE is still relevant. Mark Little answers in his blog and also reflects on things he has seen at JavaOne.
Devoxx Belgium
The Docker Tooling was presented by Xavier. Chris talked about Process Driven Applications. And Red Hat was happy to sponsor Devoxx4Kids with a significant amount this year. We love opensource and am very proud to help raise the next generation of open source developers.Find the complete set of picture impressions online on flickr. And also make sure to watch all the sessions you missed. Because they are already online available! For Free!! Thanks Devoxx! If you have some more time, spend it on the recording or Aslak's and Alex's talk about The Borg is docking your system; testing is futile! Or is it?.
The Rest
- Some impressions from the BBC 2015 by Eric Schabell.
- Monitoring Business Transactions in JBoss Ticket Monster with Hawkular.
- Christian Posta gives you a quick Go-Lang intro for Java developers.
- Learn how to use APIman as microservices.
- Revisit Eric's Webinar slides and go in 6 steps to your first process with JBPM.
- Christina walks you through the three ways to developer your Fuse applications in EAP.
- Claus shows you how to use Camel commands to manage a Spring Boot application.
- Learn how to use Hadoop as a datasource in Teiid.
New Releases
- Infinispan 8.1.0.Beta1
- VDB Builder - 0.3 Update Available
- Teiid 8.12.2 Available
- Immutant 2.1.1 Release
- Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.0 ALPHA released!
That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavor to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities. And stay up to date with latest developments by following @jbossdeveloper on twitter.