You don’t need to track the JBoss community for long to realise that we are expanding far beyond the traditional server-based deployments of the past. This week in JBoss is no exception with bloggers turning their interests to Cloud, IoT, and Mobile.


Christian Posta gives us a preview of his up-coming book, where he talks about how to run Netflix OSS with Kubernetes.


The DevNation team announced an exciting IoT workshop due to be held at the event. Come along to get your free TI SensorTag and learn how to build IoT apps using it.


Stéphane Épardaud described how to uses the Ceylon IntelliJ plugin to write native Android applications in Ceylon in Android Studio.


Also, in other news: Mark Proctor presents early results from the first of many planned improvements to execute Drools in parallel. If your a Web Developer, excited by the Drools community, then you’ll be pleased the hear that the team are hiring!



Of course, we also have the usual flood of releases to report: