This week in JBoss (18th June 2016): On the Road to Summit
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on Jun 18, 2016 3:04:59 PMWelcome to this week's Editorial. As Red Hat Summit 2016 gets closer we take a break from all the preparations to take you on another spin through some of the events that are going on within the JBoss Communities. Strap yourself in and hold on, here we go!
Bean Validation and Project Jigsaw
As most of you are already aware Project Jigsaw is an ongoing effort that has the aim of introducing a module system into Java 9. If you are involved in developing libraries or frameworks then you should be ensuring that your code can work within this environment but do you need help with this? If so Gunnar has some great advice that is based on his experience while going through a similar process with Bean Validator and its reference implementation Hibernate Validator.
Intercepting JDBC within Hibernate
Many of us have developed applications using JDBC or hibermate and have needed to intercept the calls as they are being made to the database. We may have used some of the existing products/utilities or may even have written our own JDBC drivers to handle this task. If you are using hibernate then Vlad has some suggestions for an alternative solution that may be simpler and provide you with more flexibility.
Hibernate News
The Hibernate community have released the latest edition of their Community Newsletter, highlighting many interesting articles and discussions that have been taking place throughout their community.
Microservices and Verticals
If you are interested in microservices then check out Christian's article in which he discusses his thoughts on how best to split up your existing monolithic applications, preferring an approach in which we focus on the functional verticals so that better cohesion and separation of concerns are introduced in to the process.
Camel 2.18 Progress
With the Camel 2.18 release only a few months away Claus has taken time to provide us with an update to what will be a significant release. Not only will this version be introducing new components to add support for the likes of Netflix OSS but this will be the first to require Java 8 as a runtime.
UberFire Forms Builder
The jBPM team will be integrating the UberFire Forms builder within their jBPM 7.0 distribution which will allow their users to design, build and deploy their own UI forms as part of the application. If you are interested in the current progress of the Forms Builder then take a look at the video created by Pere and Eder.
JBoss in Print
This week sees the announcement of the Manning Early Access Program for Eric's current book entitled Effective Business Process Management with JBoss BPM. If you wish to follow the process, with early access to the chapters as they are being written, then head over to the Manning site where you can sign up.
JBoss Out and About
If you are heading to Red Hat Summit 2016, being held in San Francisco from June 27th to June 30th, then don't forget to check out the Discovery session series. These sessions will be hosted by various experts in the technologies and will provide demonstrations and an opportunity for discussions.
Congratulations to last week's winners of passed to DevNation 2016 in San Francisco, the lucky winners are Noe Javet, Mayk Ol, Omid Mehdizadeh Tourzan, Steve Cliff, Angus Miller and Abhishek Arora. You can also win a pass by simply joining Red Hat Developers up until June 24th, this will automatically enter you in to the draw to win your free pass to DevNation 2016.
Mark Little recently attended DevoxxUK where he took part in a panel session about the future of JavaEE, included on the panel were representatives from the major Java EE vendors as well as representation from those who are using the technologies.
If you are heading to Red Hat Summit
New Releases
- The Keycloak team have released Keycloak 1.9.8.Final.
- The Teiid team have released Teiid 9.0.
- The Hawkular team have released Hawkular Services 0.0.2.Final.
- The TorqueBox team have released TorqueBox 4 Beta3.
That's all for this week, we look forward to seeing you again next week as the march towards Red Hat Summit continues.