Summer is definitely here in the Northern Hemisphere, and if not hindering the activities of the community it certainly show by change of balance between announcement and releases over in depth technical article All the better for our readers, as I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy the numerous technical bites (or bytes) from last week !

Technical bytes


So if you like techcrunch and in depth article, you are in for a treat this week. First, let's start with alternative language and take a look at the Ceylon TypeScript Loader (GSoC project). From there, you should move quite naturally to some more high level client technologies, and see What is new in Android Client with Hawkular. Of course, if you prefer to stay on the language level, there is also this very interesting article on Null and not-null @DiscriminatorValue options. See ? Only good stuff out there !


Now, let's move to a more high level overview. with this passionating article on Visualizing Integration Applications. It's clearly a broad (and thus complex) topic, but this article does a fair job at at both describing the state of art and how we got here, but also sum up what are the current solutions and best practices. Kudos to its author Bilgin Ibryam.

Last, but not the least, Eric D. Schabell describes a Vaadin powered solution, using the Red Hat Cool Store demo, but also illustrating, at the same time, a cool usage of the JBoss BRMS framework.


Keycloak going "legit" : Red Hat Web Single Sign-On !


Keycloak has been a thriving project since its inception, and if you follow the weekly carefully, you must have seen many news, article and frequent releases from the project. And this is why, I wanted to echo here a news coming from the Red Hat JBoss Middleware blog, that may have not reach the JBoss Community: Red Hat announces Integrated Web Single Sign-On and Identity Federation. Indeed, Red Hat has decided to have a product based on Keycloak, and anyone will soon be able to request support and/or expertise if needed. Congratulations to the project and the community, this is a big achievement !


Infinispan & Docker - a mix in Heaven


Infinispan is a very powerful and flexible project, and I'm for one certainly happy to that there is now Improved Infinispan Docker image available , whiich hopefully will enable people to easily setup and play with the project. So, time to discover the bleeding edge of Infinispan on Docker !


Releases, releases, releases...


Well for once, and this must be a record, there is only one release in the last days ! But still a good one   :



That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavor to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities. And stay up to date with latest developments by following @jbossdeveloper on twitter.