This has been a tough year for the passing of some great actors and actresses. On December 27th "Princess Leia" passed away, and her mom, Debbie Reynolds, passed away the day after. I was 9 years old when Star Wars came out and have enjoyed the movie franchise since the moment I saw Carrie Fisher. About 30 years separated the releases of Return of the Jedi and the Force Awakens, but it was well worth the wait. I think Mark Hamill said it perfectly, Carrie was one-of-a-kind who belonged to us all- whether she liked it or not. She was OUR Princess, darn it, & the actress who played her blurred into one gorgeous, fiercely independent & ferociously funny, take-charge woman who took our collective breath away. Determined & tough, but with a vulnerability that made you root for her & want her to succeed & be happy. Carrie will be in Episode VIII and it will be interesting to see how they handle her absence in Episode IX. Carrie, Thanks for taking our breath away on and off the big screen!
Now on to the happenings in our open source community!
Apache Camel
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Kenneth Peeples, Shadow-Soft Director of Technical Services