This week in JBoss (28 Sept 2017) - To bodly go where to JavaOne has (not) gone before...
Posted by rpelisse in Weekly Editorial on Sep 29, 2017 4:33:25 AMWith the release of the new Start Trek TV series, I hope the reader will pardon me for this (not so) inspired title... Nevertheless, JavaOne is coming up and the JBoss Community is getting ready for it !!!
As you are certainly aware, JavaOne is coming up soon and, of course, many member of the JBoss community are participating to the event. Namely, this week, some of them start announcing their presence, like Narayana team at JavaOne or Clément Escoffier teaser for his presentation on The Reactive Landscape.
Pimp your JBoss Developer Studio - and then explore BPM & Rules !
Last week, Eric D. Schabell took the time to make a coupl of blog entries regarding the JBoss Developer Studio (an Eclipse based IDE). Especially he focused on how to set up tooling for some important project of the community within the IDE:
- How To Setup Integration & SOA Tooling For JBoss Developer Studio 11
- How To Setup BPM and Rules Tooling For JBoss Developer Studio 11
Once you have those tool properly installed, you will be all set to follow the 4 hours presentation, from last week, on Processes, Rules and Events: Watch Drools, jBPM and Optaplanner Day LIVE (Sept 26) !
Expanding your Horizon
An Open Source community as thriving as the one of JBoss produces a lot of software, tool, and products to learn and try out. And when I mean a lot, I mean, like, a LOT. It may be difficult to explore, follow and learn all of them, and this is why, I'm happy to see that many things happened last week to help one exactly do that.
So, first, and this is a great news, the Camel in Action 2nd edition goes into production phase ! The announcement also includes some preview on the book content, so go check it out. Then comes Hibernate, that has become its own community of project within JBoss. Which makes it obviously a bit challenging to follow. Thankfully, last week was released the Hibernate Community Newsletter 18/2017 which will caught you up on anything you may have missed !
Of course, there is almost no better way to learn than to be teached by the greatest. Especially when the greatest happens to be also an excellent teacher like Bela Ban. Indeed, Bela has announced a new series of JGroups workshops in Rome and Berlin in November. Having personally attended
his workshop a couple of times, I can but only strongly recommend it. You will learn everything you ever wanted to know about JGroups - and more !
After all this learning, and the all the upcoming exciting content coming up with JavaOne, you may want to scratch a (technical) hitch and play with some new tech. No worries, an Eclipse Vert.x Gradle Plugin tutorial might be just the fix you need. If not, take a look at how to Add Kerberos Authentication To Existing Web Application.
Releases, releases, releases...
Enough is enough ! You don't want to fire Eclipse, neither to debug some Java program, you need something else for a change ? You might be just in luck, because last week was released a very nice article on Ansible - A handy tool for people that might not need it. And being a big fan of Ansible, I can but only advise one to go read it...
Hopefully, you have found something in this week's editorial to pique your interest and give you something to explore while waiting for next week's installment. Join us here next week for more news from the JBoss Community.