Welcome to the weekly roundup from the JBoss Community. Read on for an overview of the week's news and releases.


First steps with Vert.x and Infinispan

Katia Aresti has started a new blog series about creating Eclipse Vert.x applications with Infinispan. This week she published part 1 and part 2.


JUDCon track videos from DevConf.cz 2017

DevConf.cz 2017 hosted a JUDCon track covering a wide range of Red Hat JBoss related developer topics. We were able to video capture many of them. James Cobb provides links to these videos in his blog post.


Exploring the jlink plug-in API in Java 9

One of the most exciting features in Java 9 are modular runtime images. Using the new jlink utility, you can create customized distributions which contain your app, its dependencies and just the JDK modules which it needs. For instance, a simple service based on the Undertow web server can be packaged into an image of just 25 MB. Read this post by Gunnar Morling to find out more.


Free Online Self-Paced Workshop Updated to OpenShift Container Platform 3.7

In this post Eric Schabell introduces us to the AppDev in the Cloud workshop which has recently been updated to cover OpenShift Container Platform 3.7.


10 Steps to Cloud Happiness: Step 8 - Curing Travel Woes

In this post, Eric Schabell continues his blog series on 10 Steps to Cloud Happiness. Step 8 focuses on a travel application example.


Deep Dive Envoy and Istio Workshop

Christian Posta has started to put together a workshop diving deeper into how Istio works. This includes an exploration of detailed parts of Envoy (the default Istio proxy), and the core components like Pilot and Mixer. Read this post for more details.

