This week in JBoss, 9th of August 2018 - Pushing Through The Heat Wave
Posted by rpelisse in Weekly Editorial on Aug 9, 2018 1:08:40 PMIf you are, like me, in Europe now, you must know that it is (ridiculously) hot right now... But despite this heat wave of a sort, the JBoss community, as always, have been pretty busy in the last two weeks - certainly leveraging the relative quiteness of the summer season, to get some "things done". Let's take a look at you may have missed in the recent days...
Let's start with some high level consideration by checking out this new article called From Agile to Serverless. Indeed, as the buzz around "serverless" is growing up, I though it might be a good idea to remember a bit how we ended up here !
Deploying application inside Openshift is certainly a big trend of the last year. Indeed, one of the core functionality of Openshift - autoscaling, can be the key to success, but is also not so easy to implement. So you certainly want to take look at this quite good article on Autoscaling the Red Hat Cache Service on OpenShift. (and if you wonder, Red Hat Cache Service is based on Infinispan ).
If there is something that many of us like, as being both developer and member of JBoss Community, is to find way for products to integrate in way that match our way of working - rather than being forced to use a tool in a certain way. So, for instance, if you do not like XML, but love to work with Camel, you need to check up this little article on Polyglot Camel Routes. Along the same lines, if you have to work with JS but would like to be able to use Java instead, take a look at the following article: Adventures in GraalVM: invoke Java code from JS in native-image
. Last, but not the least, let's take a quick look at how How to set up RBAC on Red Hat AMQ Broker!
The JBoss community encompasses several other ones and one of the most thriving is certainly the Hibernate community. And the best way to keep up with this one is to check out their Hibernate Community Newsletter 15/2018. One of the main feature of this month entry is the interview of one of the developer: Meet Jan-Willem Gmelig Meyling.
An other interesting item, regarding the community at large, is this article on Collaboration in open source license enforcement - a community movement is happening. Please do check it out, it's pretty interesting to see what is happening lately on this front!
Evangelist's Corner
As always, our own Eric D. Schabell has been quite productive in the last two weeks and released not one, but two articles on Opensource.com: What data is too risky for the cloud? and Why you can't move everything to the cloud. On top of those articles, he also released the fourth part of his ongoing series for DZone on 3 Pitfalls Everyone Should Avoid With Hybrid Multi-Cloud (Part 4).
Releases, releases, releases...
As alwasy, the last past two weeks have seen their fair share of releases - so here is a small recap:
- Infinispan 9.4.0.Beta1 is out!
- Keycloak: Keycloak 4.2.0.Final released
- Keycloak: Keycloak 4.2.1.Final released
- Hibernate ORM 5.3.4.Final released - In Relation To
- RESTEasy Spring Boot starter 2.0.0.Final
The JBoss community and products are not living in their own little planet and there is all action happening around them that you may like to be aware of. Openshift being a rising interest in the Java world, it's certainly make sense to know about the Renaming of OpenShift Origin with 3.10 release. Also of interest for the Java developer would be those the two next articles. The first one cover the not so easy topic of Container-native integration testing
and the second adresses the problematic of Natively compile Java code for better startup time. Both are certainly worth checking out!
Hopefully, you have found something in this week's editorial to pique your interest and give you something to explore while waiting for next week's installment. Join us here next week for more news from the JBoss Community.