The last editorial was focused on the "breaking news" of the day. Even if the dust has far from settled on this, it's time for us to get back to business as usual! Well, not really as usual, because we have a rather awesome announcement about .... SpringBoot!



While technically more of a Red Hat news than a JBoss community one, it seems to very much deserved to be mentioned here: Announcing: Full Spring Boot support for Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes !!! I won't comment more but I will urge to take a look at the post!


Infinispan - on road to version 10!


The Infinispan project is getting close to release its next  major version and they have laid for us the road ahead: The road to Infinispan 10 (Alpha1)! This post is nice sum up of the coming new features and changes in the project. I highly recommend you take a look at it. And if you have not yet played with or experimented with Infinispan, maybe this Quick start Infinispan on Kubernetes would be a nice opportunity to do so. And if you have familiar with Infinispan, you certainly want to explore its usage on Kubernetes!

Tech Bytes


The headlines above are already plenty to digest. However, you might still be hungry for a tidbits of technical knowledge. We therefore selected a few things for you to nimble on:


Not done yet? Worry not, our own Eric D. Schabell has also plenty for you to fest on!



Releases, releases, releases...

While we are blogging, twitting and emailing, the developers of the JBoss Community are quietly working and more importantly.... Releasing!


That's all for this week's edition of the Editorial, please join us next time as we continue our journey through the JBoss Communities in search of interesting articles and news.