It's summertime. People take a well deserved break and recharge their batteries. A good time to step back from your desk for a while. It keeps you motivated. Especially if you work in jobs that require creativity and passion. Like in open source software development. So do we here at JBoss: We take it easy this month.

Process and task form editing in jBPM

If you can't keep your hands from your keyboard, here's something you can watch from a chair within your garden. Tihomir recorded a video that shows how process and task form editing [1] within the jBPM designer works.

If this does wheaten your appetite, Kris did compile a list of jBPM related resources [5] that popped up over last few weeks.

Improvements and bug fixes to the AS7 web interface

Worked hasn't stopped on the console yet. You could as well consider it being a minimum viable product [2]. It's moving slowly, but did get some considerable improvements [3] this month:

  • Revamped domain deployments
  • Expression resolver
  • Configuration browser
An introduction to SAML

Shane maintains a notable blog with a large number of general interest (still software engineering/architecture) topics. In this month column he gives you an introduction [4] to SAML: purpose, process flow, etc.

Wrecking your digital life (or being wrecked)

Another security topic this month. As many of you might already have heard, Matt Honan's (Wired) accounts have been hacked, with severe consequences for him. Anil, one of our security advocates, provides some insights [6] how google accounts can be proceed from being vulnerable against attacks like this. It's worth reading the full story though.

New releases

Before I head back to beach myself, here's a number of notable releases this week:

Last but not least: Refactor your wetware

Here's an alternative way to improve and enhance your skills. It can even be practiced at the beach: read a book.

My recommendation this month: "Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware" [7]


So long, and thanks for the fish.



