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Well, not yet. But we're just about to end a year full of accomplisments, and ramp up for one that shoud be as exciting and eventful, if not more. So in this time full of holiday cheer, when things are slowing down a notch, it's time for looking back, as well as looking forward.


How did we do in 2012?


Mark Little's Christmas blog provides a perfect overview of the major highlights of the year 2012 for JBoss. It's been a great year, in which we lauched a new version of JBoss EAP 6.0, an entirely new product focused on Big Data (JBoss Data Grid), began making Java EE accessible to mobile developers, and stood at the forefront of the polyglot revolution. All while rocking each major conference. In the same spirit, Eric Schabell has published a retrospective of his own.


Ramping up for 2013


The efforts of 2012 lay the groundwork for the expectedly amazing achievements of 2013. Lincoln Baxter, of Forge fame, provides an insight into the challenges of 2013, from the perspective of his own work on Rework and Errai UI here.


Raspberry Pi recipes for holidays


Just because it's holidays, it's time for interesting experiments - like pushing the limits of hardware and software and building cool gadgets.


So, if you think that constrained environments are not the right place for enterprise features such as transactions, you may want to check Mark Little's blog post on how to build and run Narayana on the device.


In turn, Mauricio Salatino shows us how to build a robot using Raspberry Pi and Drools. I haven't checked how the three laws of robotics look like in Drools, but if you fear that this is the beginning of the rise of the machines, fear not. The robot is just cute.



New tutorials from remote EJBs and GateIn


Francesco Marchioni of fame has published another tutorial, this time about creating remote EJBs and using a multimodular Maven project structure for dealing with code sharing across the server and client side.


Francesco has also published a GateIn tutorial, showing you how to create a JBoss-based portal application.




  • Portlet Bridge 3.2.0.Alpha1


... and finally, the New Year resolution!


Well, we can't really make one for you, but here's a couple of items I have on my list:

  • bring one new developer in the open source community (and help them contribute) ; and
  • submit a talk to the Red Hat Summit 2013 (the call for papers is open until January 4th, as a reminder!)

If you have been a regular reader of this Editorial then you will know that this has been another great year for the JBoss Community and, with so many active projects under the JBoss Community umbrella, there has never been a better time for those who wish to jump in and contribute.  Contributing is easy, just choose a project you are interested in (there must be one!), look at the outstanding tasks, talk with the team to see how you can help and next year you will see the fruits of your labour in the Editorial (and many other places!).


AeroGear from a Different "Angle"


The AeroGear team have been having a number of 'watercooler' discussions about Angular.js, a JavaScript application framework from Google.  As a result of these discussions Kris Borcher decided that he would spend time creating an application using both AeroGear.js and Angular.js, an experiment which has been very successful.  Kris chose to develop a mobile information site for the upcoming DevNexus conference and has now posted his thoughts on the experiment.


ModeShape and Concurrent Writes


The ModeShape team have written a great article explaining how concurrent access to your data will work within your application and what you can do to reduce any remaining contention within your data access patterns.  This is a must-read for anyone using ModeShape.


Invoking EJBs from a Remote AS7 Instance


Have you ever wondered what needs to be done to invoke EJBs from another JBoss AS7 instance?  Francesco Marchioni, of, has written a very nice tutorial demonstrating the necessary steps and showing just how easy it can be done.


AS7 Console - Future Direction


The AS7 team recently held a developer meeting to discuss the future direction of the app server, during which Heiko Braun gave an interesting talk on the ideas being considered for AS7 Console 2.0.  Heiko has now made his slidedeck available, some of the highlight of which are a focus on extensibility, task repository and a model based user interface.


Bean Validation in the press


The German journal Javamagazin has recently published an article on the work which has gone into the Bean Validation 1.1 specification.  If you are interested in this article, and can speak German, then check out Gunnar's article where you can find a PDF version of the article generously provided by the authors.


Drools 6.0 - Annotation Driven Development


The Drools team are getting ready to release the first Alpha of Drools & jBPM 6.0.  If you are a user of Drools then you may already realise that there are some major changing coming in 6.0, such as the move toward a convention based style of project and  support for annotation driven development.  If you are interested in seeing what the annotation style of development looks like then check out Mark Proctor's taster.


Score flexibility in Planner


Geoffrey De Smet has created a screencast showing how easy the scoring function can be changed when trying to optimise resource usage in Drools Planner, demonstrated with an example on routing vehicles.


jBPM Console NG


Mauricio has written a fantastic article describing the updates which have been happening within the next generation of the jBPM Console.  The article discusses a demonstration that he gave recently at JBUG London and provides more information on some of the topics which were covered.  Mauricio has also included a screencast of the demo and a video of his presentation to JBUG London, the slides for which are also available.


News from Recent Events


Jeff Yu recently gave a presentation at JUDCon China entitled "Building your own service in SwitchYard".  In this presentation Jeff introduced SwitchYard, showing how easy services can be created before moving on to a more esoteric topic, how to integrate your own component into the SwitchYard runtime using the Riftsaw project as his example. 


Eric Schabell recently had the privilege of giving the first talk at the newly formed JBugNL, discussing OpenShift and development in the cloud.  Eric has now posted the slidedeck for those who attended, or missed, this well received talk.


JBoss in Book Form


This week sees the release of the book "jBPM5 Developer Guide", written by Mauricio and Esteban.  If you are interested in getting hold of a copy of this book, in either printed or electronic formats, then please check Kris' article where he includes details of some discount codes that have been generously provided by Packt Publishing.


Packt Publishing have also teamed up with Piergiorgio Lucidi, one of the authors of the book "GateIn Cookbook", to give away copies of the book to four lucky winners.  The competition closes soon, on the 25th December, so be quick if you want to win a copy.


New Releases for the Week


This week sees a number of exciting releases from the JBoss Communities



That's all for this week, tune in next week for the last Editorial of 2012.

Ceylon: The Methodology Luddite Manifesto

The most useful methodology is the simplest, least prescriptive one. Gavin King on using methodologies when building software. Guess what, he doesn't like it.

RiftSaw Open Source BPEL: Building your own service in SwitchYard

Jeff did a presentation named "Building your own service In SwitchYard", it has two parts, first part is to give a very basic introduction to the SwitchYard project, and then have a live demo to build a simple sayHello service from scratch by using the SwitchYard editor in JBoss Dev studio. The other part is to introduce the steps on integrating a project as a component in the SwitchYard, this basically is the experience that we had on integrating the RiftSaw project as the BPEL component in SwitchYard, hopefully it will help some users/developers that want to integrate their in-house or other projects as components in SwitchYard.

Inside CapeDwarf: How we implemented the Datastore API

The single most important AppEngine API is probably the Datastore API, which (as evident from the name itself) provides an API for storing, retrieving and querying data. This was the first API we set out to implement in CapeDwarf. It basically served as proof-of-concept for the whole project.

Bean Validation: Should getters be validated when they are called?

The expert group is agonizing on a specific issue. We need your feedback. Should getters be considered regular methods and thus be validated when called?

Hibernate ORM 4.1.9.Final Released

We sincerely appreciate the large amount of community involvement on this release -- a large portion of the fixes were from contributor's pull requests.

Setting JSF ProjectStage with JNDI

One nice feature of JSF2 is the ProjectStage setting.  It lets the JSF implementation and the application developer optimize and customize behavior based on whether JSF is running in Development, Production, SystemTest, or UnitTest.

Teiid 8.3 Alpha1 Posted

Teiid get's some improvements around multi-source planning and JDBC support.

Hello JBoss Followers:


To kick of this week's note, I wish to focus on a major delivery by MANY of our teams - JBoss Developer Studio 6 shipped TODAY and you can download it immediately.   Key features include:

- Based on Eclipse Juno

- Installing JBDS into your own Eclipse Juno via Eclipse Marketplace (see screenshot below)

- Android Tools now in JBoss Central

- GWT Designer now in JBoss Central

- Improved OpenShift Wizard to support OpenShift Enterprise

- Improved Maven Project Wizard

- Support for Seam 2.3

- Tested on Windows 8 and Mac OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion)

- Tested on Java 7 32-bit and 64-bit


Screen Shot 2012-12-07 at 10.58.42 PM.png

The delivery of JBoss Developer Studio represents more than a simple Eclipse-based toolset due to JBoss Central.   On JBoss Central, you will find the following:

- Easy integration with OpenShift - including the new OpenShift Enterprise

- Use of Java EE 6 Maven Archetypes and JBoss Developer Framework's Stacks

- HTML5 Archetype from the Aerogear Project - which has also dramatically updated their project's website

- RichFaces Archetype from the RichFaces Project

- Spring MVC Archetype from the Snowdrop Project

- GWT Archetype from the Errai Project

- JBoss Developer Framework's Quickstarts - dozens of easy to follow examples to get you started quickly with Java EE6 and complimentary features

- Links to documentation, screencasts, blogs and much more


A significant number of open source stars have to align to deliver all of these capabilities at a single point in time.   If you are the type (like myself) who would rather spend a few minutes watching a video BEFORE you invest the time and energy into downloading and installing something - check out this video I recently uploaded to YouTube:



The JBoss Team has also delivered numerous blogs, new releases and crafted several other videos that I know you will enjoy:


There are still a few weeks left in 2012 - I suspect our team can crank out a few more great things in that timeframe.  Stay tuned, it gets better and better

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