This week in JBoss (29th December 2012): Is it 2013 already?
Posted by marius.bogoevici Dec 29, 2012Well, not yet. But we're just about to end a year full of accomplisments, and ramp up for one that shoud be as exciting and eventful, if not more. So in this time full of holiday cheer, when things are slowing down a notch, it's time for looking back, as well as looking forward.
How did we do in 2012?
Mark Little's Christmas blog provides a perfect overview of the major highlights of the year 2012 for JBoss. It's been a great year, in which we lauched a new version of JBoss EAP 6.0, an entirely new product focused on Big Data (JBoss Data Grid), began making Java EE accessible to mobile developers, and stood at the forefront of the polyglot revolution. All while rocking each major conference. In the same spirit, Eric Schabell has published a retrospective of his own.
Ramping up for 2013
The efforts of 2012 lay the groundwork for the expectedly amazing achievements of 2013. Lincoln Baxter, of Forge fame, provides an insight into the challenges of 2013, from the perspective of his own work on Rework and Errai UI here.
Raspberry Pi recipes for holidays
Just because it's holidays, it's time for interesting experiments - like pushing the limits of hardware and software and building cool gadgets.
So, if you think that constrained environments are not the right place for enterprise features such as transactions, you may want to check Mark Little's blog post on how to build and run Narayana on the device.
In turn, Mauricio Salatino shows us how to build a robot using Raspberry Pi and Drools. I haven't checked how the three laws of robotics look like in Drools, but if you fear that this is the beginning of the rise of the machines, fear not. The robot is just cute.
New tutorials from mastertheboss.com: remote EJBs and GateIn
Francesco Marchioni of mastertheboss.com fame has published another tutorial, this time about creating remote EJBs and using a multimodular Maven project structure for dealing with code sharing across the server and client side.
Francesco has also published a GateIn tutorial, showing you how to create a JBoss-based portal application.
- Portlet Bridge 3.2.0.Alpha1
... and finally, the New Year resolution!
Well, we can't really make one for you, but here's a couple of items I have on my list:
- bring one new developer in the open source community (and help them contribute) ; and
- submit a talk to the Red Hat Summit 2013 (the call for papers is open until January 4th, as a reminder!)