This week in JBoss (26th June 2014): Cat, bytes and evangelists
Posted by rpelisse in Weekly Editorial on Jun 26, 2014 2:07:23 PMJBoss Tools Community Acceptance Testing aka CAT
As you may be aware, the internet is often described as the "electronic cat database" as much of "the action" on it appears to be around cute pictures or videos of ... cats. There is already quite a good chance that you are no longer reading this blog entry - as some relative may have notified you of the latest cat-video-you-must-look-at....
Anyway, it was time that the JBoss community joined the game , and therefore we are proudly announcing the release of JBoss Tools Community Acceptance Testing (CAT) ! Probably the most useful cat from the internet !
On top of this launch, the JBoss Tools community has also published the following releases:
- JBoss Tools - JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.1.5.Final / JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 7.0.2.GA
- JBoss Tools - Beta2 for Luna - JavaScript, Monitoring and Early Access!
Byteman 2.2.0 is out !
The Byteman project has just released a new version, 2.2.0, filled with patches and bug fixes, along with one major feature - annotation-based configuration for BMUnit tests (more on how to use it quite soon). If you have never tried this awesome tool, this new release is the perfect excuse to go do so !
Teiid & ModeShape
Both part of the Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization product, Teiid and ModeShape are getting quite close to their next release, so checkout out this week beta to have a nice preview in the coming features:
- Teiid 8.8 Beta 2 is out - the final release is plan for mid July, so go download and test this one and help the community make it even better before then !
- ModeShape 4.0.0.Alpha4 is out - try the "simple cluster" feature along with the integration with Wildfly8.
Other releases
As always, the JBoss community is a thriving one and a very share of project did some prereleases last weeks:
Evangelist's Corner - tutorial, demo, blog and video
If you follow the JBoss Community activity regularly, you most likely have noticed that our evangelists (Eric Schabell or Arun Gupta, for instance) are producing a large amount of interesting content, almost everyday. But, if for some reason you are not yet familiar with all of them, take a look at "Introducing your JBoss Technology Evangelist".
And to give you an idea of the excellent work they are doing, you can already check out what they have released just in the last days :
- Arun Gupta - Wildfly and JEE
- Eric Schabell - all thing BRMS/BPM
- A new lab in the ongoing BPM Suite Online Workshop series
- BPM as Paas ? Confused ? Look this "HR employee reward" demo and the "customer evaluation" one and see what happens when BPM meets Openshift !
- At last, but not the least, some handy tips on using BRMS with Git
- Kenneth Peeples
- Continues his workshop on Fuse Services Works - time to learn anything Switchyard and Camel !
If Max Katz is not one of our evangelist, he did nonetheless produce a very compelling video http://maxkatz.org/2014/06/26/learn-how-to-debug-appery-io-mobile-apps-video/ that is worth mentioning here.
ManageIQ is open source !
Outside the JBoss universe, Red Hat just released the source code of ManageIQ, a cloud management product (EVM, which became CloudForms at Red Hat). People inside the company have worked toward this goal for a little over two years and it is with great joy and pride that we relay the announcement, full filling the commitment done in 2012.
OpenSource Architect blog launched !
My team, the Red Hat EMEA architect just fire a new blog, Opensource Architect in order to give us a place to share our experience, as architect, both with, of course, Red Hat products, but also other Opensource software - and we leverage all of them to build our solutions. Malcolm Herbert just published an interesting article on the level of adoption of DevOps in enterprise - go check it out !
Hopefully you have found something in this week's editorial to pique your interest and give you something to explore while waiting for next week's installment. Join us here next week for more news from the JBoss Community.