This week in JBoss (11th June 2015): Time to Switch...yard !
Posted by rpelisse in Weekly Editorial on Jun 11, 2015 2:04:23 PMAs a late student sneaking into classroom, and pretending to have been there since the beginning, summer has suddenly rolled on Europe this week. However, despite the heatwave coming with it, the JBoss communities have been, as always, thriving and produced numerous releases and interesting content for you. So, if it's too hot to work, or if you wish it would be, maybe it's time to have an iced tea, sit back and enjoy a nice tour of what happened last week...
When Data Virtualization goes the NoSQL road...
As you may know, Teiid is a data virtualization solution, which allows you to abstract your numerous databases into one, both simplifying your applications developpment and enabling you to easily creates report spanning across various part of your company or organization. If you don't know anything about it, the project just released Teiid 8.11 CR1 so it's perfect opportunity to go check it out.
For people who already knows about data virtualization, quite focused on SQL storage, they often overlook the fact that Teiid can also access NoSQL storage such as Infinispan or MongoDB. And even bring some SQL capacity to such storage ! Look at this in details with Ramesh Reddy blog's entries an SQL on MongoDB using Teiid - Part 1 and SQL on MongoDB using Teiid - Part 2.
Photo Credit Wikipedia
(sorry, I really tried to find a picture of Teiid Lizard eating mangos, but one must admit the internet still has its limits, so you got a well feed one instead)
Keycloak in real life
Nowadays no website is really secured without a proper authentification - as my friend François Le Droff and I have strongly pointed out during out talk on Java & Security at Devoxx France (in French, sorry). However, strong authenficiation generally makes a horrid user experience - expect if you smartly uses OAuth2. And if you wonder how to set that in place, look at this thorough demonstration using Keycloak to secure your services with OAuth2.
An other brilliant demonstration of Keycloak usefulness is this other explanation of how OpenShift UI Console authentication with Keycloak and OpenID connect together.
Hopefully those two description will convince you to give a serious at look at Keycloak, so if you happen to go to DevNation, don't forget to attend Enterprise security with Keycloak – from the intranet to mobile.
Photo Credit - FutUndBeidl
No Docker ? Seriously ?
Of course not ! This entry would not be a proper "IT related blog entry" without at least one entry mentioning Docker, would it not ? Well, don't worry, here it comes : Docker Compose on Windows with Python And Babon ! (Yes, just one, but a good one )
AeroGear and Feedhenry
If you are an aficionado of either AeroGear or Feedhenry, you'll probably be curious about this new post on AeroGear quick start push Templates,
which show both product can operate together quite nicely.
Evangelist's Corner
As always, our team of Evangelists have been tireless and produced quite a lot of interesting content for you to browse this week. First, Eric D. Schabell offers, yet an other follow up, to his JBoss BPM Travel Agency Demo adding modern BPM Data Integration to it, along with a peak of sneak preview of his submission for both NCDevCon and Red Hat Summit :
- NCDevCon 2015 submission - Rule the World with Practical Rules & BPM Development
- Red Hat Summit 2015 - Choose Your Own Adventure with JBoss BRMS
Then, Arun Gupta comes and discusses how to go from Monolithic to Microservices Refactoring for Java EE Applications, whille Markus Eisele is tackling on an ever more challenging (albeit none technical) task in his 9 Ways To Stop Hurting And Start Helping Women In Tech.
Releases, releases, releases
- Artificer 1.0.0.Beta1 Released! - Finally a tool to take care and sort out you project "junk" ! (or try S-RAMP)
- SwitchYard 2.0.0.Final now available - SwitchYard is a structured framework for developing integration applications and works really well with Apache Camel and Wildfly AS, Karaf and Fuse. If you have never try it, now would be the perfect to do it !
- TorqueBox: TorqueBox 4 Beta1 Released - A JRuby runtime, that can even be deployed on Wildfly AS ? Yes ! Go check it out !
- Teiid 8.11 CR1 - already mentioned above, but for the sake of completeness
- WildFly Swarm Alpha2 is out ! Recently launched, Wildfly Swarm project helps deconstruct and reconstructing Wildfly AS to tailored to your need (with of course in mind, building microservices). If this has peek your interest, know that this new release comes along a batch of interesting examples....
- Hibernate Search 5.3.0.Final now available and here is a First preview of Hibernate Search for Hibernate ORM 5
- And also, for Red Hat customers, the First update to JBoss EAP 6.4 has been released !
With some many cool Java news, your blood is now filled with caffeine, your hands must be shaking like hell, and your heart is pounding. In short, time to switch to decaf' ! So, for a change, and a completly none Java related topic, take a look at this quite thorough and interesting description on Five different ways to handle leap seconds with NTP (if only to be able to clearly state why leap seconds is not an issue for your Java code ).
That's all for this week's spin through the JBoss world, please join us again next week when we will take you through more interesting and informative articles written by our communities. And don't forget to follow @jbossdeveloper !