This Week in JBoss (26th November 2015) : Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by myfear in Weekly Editorial on Nov 26, 2015 6:37:00 AMAnother week almost behind us. Today is Thanksgiving and the start into a silent week for most of us non Americans. But the good news is, the JBoss community never sleeps and has some news for you every week. Time to start over with the weekly editorial which brings you the latest news from all of JBoss. This time, I'm going to cover three particular highlights:
Vert.x - Reactive Applications On The JVM
Vert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM. Unlike restrictive traditional application containers, Vert.x gives you incredible power and agility to create compelling, scalable, 21st century applications the way you want to, with a minimum of fuss, in the language you want. This includes JavaScript. In a recent blog-post Paulo Lopes explains what you have to do to port your existing EcmaScript 5 applications to EcmaScript 6. If you want to learn more about it, the project team provides a wide range of examples demonstrating usage of Vert.x in many different situations - from getting started with a hello world example in Maven to a range of web application examples. Don't forget to follow project lead Tim Fox (@timfox).
Make your JBoss EAP Fuse ready!
Christina Lin started an interesting series about how to make your JBoss EAP installation ready for Fuse. With the upcoming JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 release Red Hat is supporting a new scenario: Running Camel on EAP. And because Fuse and especially Camel are so rich in terms of features, it takes a couple of blog-posts to walk you through the various development options. The first part showed you how to use the Spring Framework to define your Camel route. The second explains everything about using CDI with the Java DSL to create your routes and the third part uses plain XML without Spring. The final post glues everything together and gives you a complete walk-through on how to integrate your Camel CDI application with a Database.
Learn About JBoss Technology Online
The Virtual JBoss User Group got a make-over. More precisely the website. Make sure to check out www.vjbug.org and enjoy the 40 recorded sessions which are already available on demand. And we’re adding another one or two every month! Make sure to follow our Twitter handle @vJBUG and also check out our meetup group regularly. Next upcoming session will be the legendary Burr Sutter (@burrsutter) talking about “An Enterprise Developer’s Journey to the IoT”.
The new Red Hat developer programs blog has a longer article about the vJBUG up. Make sure to read it!
- Arquillian Liferay 1.0.0.Alpha2 Released | Planet JBoss Developer
- Many improvements for Hibernate Search 5.5.1.Final | Planet JBoss Developer
- Byteman 3.0.3 release trials module imports using the JBoss Modules plugin | Planet JBoss Developer
- RichFaces 4.5.11.Final Release Announcement | Planet JBoss Developer
- Infinispan 8.1.0.CR1 (and 8.0.2.Final) | Planet JBoss Developer
That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavor to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities. And stay up to date with latest developments by following @jbossdeveloper on twitter.