This week in JBoss (3rd December 2015): The Key to Extending KIE
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on Dec 3, 2015 11:50:04 PMWelcome to another Weekly Editorial where we bring you the latest news from around the JBoss Communities.
The Key to Extending KIE
This week sees a number of articles from Maciej Swiderski discussing the capabilities of the KIE Server that support extensions. Maciej begins the series with an overview of the extension points within the KIE server and why they are needed, continues with an article that discusses when and why you would extend the server with additional REST endpoints and how to add additional transports should you find that the existing transports do not fit your use case before ending with an article describing how to extend the KIE Server Client.
EE7 and Microservices
With the release of EAP 7 now getting nearer, Markus has spent some time pulling together some resources that will help to refresh your memory about the new features that were introduced into Java EE 7. Once you have caught up you can then put this information into practice by following along as he demonstrates how to deploy an EE7 application into OpenShift 3 using JBoss Developer Studio. Markus has also been interviewed recently by Daniel Bryiant during which they discuss Microservices.
Time Scheduling Design Patterns
When using a tool such as OptaPlanner to solve scheduling problems it is very important to understand the domain you are trying to model and the design pattern that best suits the solution you are trying to achieve. Geoffrey, the project lead of OptaPlanner, has written an article introducing three useful design patterns that can be used to similar scheduling problems with slightly different requirements.
Using Hawkular Business Transaction Management with Docker Images
Gary Brown from the Hawkular Business Transaction Management project has written a great article showing how you can use BTM to monitor the flow of business transactions within applications running within your docker containerized applications, providing greater insight into the workings of your applications and the services they invoke.
Ceylon and Dependency Injection
If you have been using the Ceylon language for any length of time then you will already realise that Ceylon does not provide any native support for Dependency Injection however thanks to Ceylon's interoperability with Java it is reasonably easy to use both Weld and Guice.
Vert.X and Mongo
In the next installment of his Introduction to Vert.X series Clement demonstrates how MongoDB can be integrated with Vert.X in an asynchronous application. This article is a continuation from his previous article entitled Using the Asynchronous SQL Client and walks you through all the changes that you will need to make in order to switch over to MongoDB.
End of Year Cleaning in the Drools House
The Drools team have recently spent time cleaning up the internal state machine that was introduced back in June in order to manage the interaction of the engine, user and timer threads with their current being to make the code easier to read and understand.
Working Offline with Keycloak
The Keycloak team have written an article describing the Offline Access token feature that was introduced in Keycloak 1.6.1 and described in the OpenID Connect 1.0 specification, allowing applications to perform actions on behalf of users when running offline.
Back in the Asylum
Max has published the next JBoss Community Asylum podcast in which he sits down with Burr Sutter and Scott Stark to discuss this year's Middleware Keynote Demo.
New Releases
- The Arquillian team announced the release of Arquillian Recorder 1.1.0.Final, Arquillian Container WebLogic 1.0.1.Final and Arquillian Droidium 1.0.1.Final.
- The Hawkular team announced the release of Hawkular Business Transaction Management 0.6.0.Final.
- The Hibernate team announced the release of Hibernate ORM 5.0.5.Final.
- The Teiid team announced the release of Teiid 8.13.Alpha1, the first version that integrates with WildFly.
- The Keycloak team announced the release of Keycloak 1.7.0.CR1.
- The Forge team announced the release of Forge 3.0.0.Alpha2.
That's all from this week's editorial, please join us again next week when we will bring you more news from the JBoss Communities.