Apologies for being a couple of weeks since the last instalment but we're here again! And what a couple of weeks it's been?!


Microservices has been dominating a lot of conversations across the industry for a while. Is it new? How does it relate to SOA? When I was on holiday recently I got a chance to put down a few thoughts on the subject, for instance how they relate to fundamental distributed systems, or what constitutes a microservice if in the future, as I suspect, we allow them to become dynamic systems? I also had a few musings on what typically leads to monoliths and how microservices isn't necessarily going to avoid those pitfalls. Take a look because your input in this technology wave is crucial.


The Infinispan team seem to have got stuck in releasing one version after another (which is a good thing!) First we had 8.2.1.Final, then 8.1.3.Final, and now 9.0.0.Alpha1! Never one to be outdone, the Arquillian team shot back with a Graphene release, a new Drone version (two actually), and the Container Undertow release! There have also been a number of other releases of projects so check out The Buzz!


Time for a couple of other highlights, such as Marc talking about APIMan in a network with limited connectivity, Heiko about Hawkular in ManageIQ sprints, Martin on Weld meeting Vert.x (great news!) and Vlad with the Hibernate newsletter.


Mauricio also had some good news about the Drools book he co-authored - it's out now! Good luck guys and I'm looking forward to the movie version!


OK that's it for now. Hopefully we'll be back in a week and not two