This week in JBoss (1st April 2016): No Fooling You
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on Apr 1, 2016 1:03:26 PMApril Fools' Day traditionally involves the playing of pranks and hoaxes on others, often with media and other organisations making announcements that are then later exposed as jokes. While these are mostly harmless pranks they do sometimes backfire and unfortunately may even have real world implications. Of course we realise that those of you reading the Editorial would never fall for any of these pranks but read on with care, you never know what you are going to find
Users, Roles and Permissions with apiman
The apiman project provides an Open Source solution for API Management allowing you to govern your APIs with a flexible, policy based runtime. The management of the runtime is controlled by permissions granted to a user through roles; these can either be the pre-defined set that comes with apiman or a custom based role that has been defined based on your requirements. The management of users, roles and permissions is straight forward within apiman, for more information on this topic check out Len's post where he discusses the details of the pre-defined roles and how to set up a special role for his brother in law.
Apache Camel 2.18 Roadmap
There are some big changes potentially coming to the Camel community, the recent release of Camel 2.17 will be the last to support JDK 7 with Camel 2.18 basing on JDK 8. If you are a user of Camel then now is the time to have your say about this change in direction, Claus has some more information about the changes that may be headed your way along with details of where you can join in the conversation so that the community can make a decision that is best for all.
Blue/Green deployments with Fuse Integration Services
Christina has been developing an Auto Dealership Management Demo as part of a series that discusses the advantages of using Fuse Integration Services. In the sixth installment of the series Christina discusses how you can make use of Blue/Green deployments to deploy a new version of your application while retaining the necessary high availability for your application.
Hibernate News
If you are interested in the Hibernate community then the Hibernate Community Newsletter is always worth following, a regular newsletter that highlights many of the hibernates articles that have been published along with interesting discussions that have been taking place on the forums and on StackOverflow.
BRMS Application Development in the Cloud
As part of his App Dev Cloud Stack series Eric Schabell has often discussed why application developers can no longer ignore the stack. In previous posts he has covered the Container Development Kit (CDK) and its part in the puzzle, he is now moving up the stack to discuss the BRMS tooling and show how this can be installed within the Cloud environment.
New Releases
- The apiman team have announced the release of apiman 1.2.3.Final.
- The teiid team have announced the release of Teiid 8.13.3.
- The Infinispan team have announced the release of the Infinispan Javascript client 0.2.0.
- The Hawkular team have announced the release of Hawkular Metrics 0.14.0.
- The Apache Camel team have announced the release of Apache Camel 2.17.
That's all from this week's editorial, I hope you managed to get through it unscathed and will join us again next week for some more news from around the JBoss Community.