microservices journey.PNG

Red Hat is bringing the Microservices Journey with Apache Camel to Atlanta (and Minneapolis) in October and Shadow-Soft will be sponsoring the happy hour after the Atlanta event.  Join this full-day event to learn from experienced developers about microservices architectures. This event features special Red Hat guest speakers, James Strachan and Claus Ibsen:

  • James created the Groovy programming language, is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and is co-founder of a number of other open source projects.
  • Claus Ibsen works on open source integration projects such as Apache Camel, fabric8, and hawtio. He's the author of Camel in Action books.

James, Claus, and other speakers will discuss topics including: Kubernetes for Java™ developers, microservices with Apache Camel, microservices workflow, Integrated Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS), and API-centric architectures.

Now on to the happenings in our open source community!




  • TorqueBox 3.2.0 Released - TorqueBox 3.2.0 is out and updates the bundled JRuby from the 1.7 series to along with a few other minor fixes.
  • Keycloak 2.2.0.Final Released - For the list of resolved issues check out JIRA and to download the release go to the Keycloak homepage. Before you upgrade refer to the migration guide
  • Teiid 9.1 Beta2 Released - Teiid 9.1 Beta2 has been posted.  Notable features since Beta1. TEIID-4421 Embedded Translator Refinements to allow for functioning that is similar to the server.

  • Teiid 9.0.4 Released - The 9.0.4 fix release is now available.  It addresses 13 issues since 9.0.3.
  • Artemis 1.4.0 Released - Release include: Paging had a lot of improvements. you can have a max-size for the entire broker before the destinations will start to page, the producers will block when the disk is beyond a % limit and when you kick clients, consumers will disconnect immediately (unless you configured reconnects on core protocol).
  • Weld 2.4.0.Final - First stable version of Weld 2.4 (CDI 1.2). See also the release details. From now on, 2.4 is the current stable version of Weld and 2.3 is not actively developed anymore.
  • Vert.x 3.3.3 - We have just released Vert.x 3.3.3, a bug fix release of Vert.x 3.3.x.



Ken Finnigan highlighted the MicroProfile which is a new initiative in the Enterprise Java community to foster rapid innovation around Microservices and Enterprise Java. A MicroProfile 1.0 will be announced next week at JavaOne, which contains CDI, JAX-RS and JSON-P.  If you’d like to voice your opinions and participate in the community check out the discussions in the Google Group.

Bean Validation 2.0

Gunnar Morling described the Bean Validation 2.0 constraint discussion regarding which should be added.  Gunnar indicated the group is requesting feedback.  Taking the survey will help provide feedback.

JPA and Hibernate

Vlad Mihalcea published an article to show you how easily you can now test JPA logic using Java 1.8 lambdas with the migration of Hibernate 5.2 to Java 1.8.

Hawkular API over SSL

Josejulio Martinez shows how to trust self-signed certificates for use with Ruby client, used on projects such as ManageIQ and HawkFX.

Cloud Native

Eric Schabell dives into the Cloud-Native Term in his article this week.


Thanks for being a part of the JBoss Community and stay tuned for the next Weekly Editorial!



Kenneth Peeples, Shadow-Soft Director of Technical Services


