JBoss Weekly (October 07 2016, a few days late)
Posted by lightguard in Weekly Editorial on Oct 12, 2016 7:17:00 PMFirst and foremost, I’d like to apologize for the tardiness of this post. We’ll make up for it with two posts this week!
Just as Romain promised we’d have lots of releases coming up, we most certainly did! We had 10 new releases between the first of the month and the 7th, that’s an average of more than one new release everyday! We really knocked it out of the park this week. Below you’ll find the new releases and blog posts mentioning them:
Teiid 9.1 CR1 was released on the first. Nearly 180 issues were addressed in this release!
Hibernate ORM 5.2.3 tackled 77 issues, many of which were bugs, but a number of improvements were made as well.
Wildfly Swarm 2016.10.0 covered enhanced Arquillian support, a simplified ActiveMQ/Artemis configuration, and better SAAJ support for a total of 33 issues.
Infinispan Hotrod Clients C\\ / C# 8.1.0.Aplha1 came out on the third. These are updates to some of the native Hotrod clients for use with Inifinspan.
Forge 3.3.2.Final resolved nine issues mostly focused around some GUI issues and component upgrades.
Hibernate Search didn’t want to be outdone and released three versions! 5.5.5.Final, 5.6.0.Beta3, 5.7.0.Aplha1 were all released on the sixth. It does seem odd that 5.7.0 has a release when 5.6.0 isn’t out, but Sanne explains that in his post, I won’t spoil the fun.
Hawkular Metrics 0.20.0 is a pretty important release for the team. It includes Hawkular Alerting, a new compression algorithm and of course enhancements and fixes. All said and done 26 issues were addressed in this release.
The Fuse team has been hard at work getting Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3 out the door. This is the supported product version. Both Jon and Christina wrote about the release. Jon said thousands of bugs were fixed in this release and includes Camel 2.17, CXF 3.1 and Jetty 9. Read both blogs for an even better understanding of what this means for you!
On that note of blogs, there were also some noteworthy blogs coming from other Red Hat Middleware engineers:
Claus Ibsen had a three and a half hour delay at the airport last week and wondered if Kubernetes could be installed with one command. I’m sure many of have wondered the same thing (or maybe not). Well, wonder no longer: Installing Kubernetes in one command! He includes a video for you to enjoy the process run.
Eric Schabell talked about the great opening of the Red Hat Forum in Finland he spoke at last week at Red Hat Forum Finland 2016 Recap. He has links to slides, pictures and the agenda.
Writing a book is no small task, and Jon Anstey is right in the thick of it. His book "Camel in Action" version 2 is in MEAP right now and update recently happened. Read more about it in his blog post Camel in Action v2 MEAP update.
John Mazz explains how to get Go and OpenShift Origin installed in his post OpenShift Origin and Go. This is a great write up about how to install OpenShift Origin on your machine. I highly recommend it for getting up and running with OpenShift Origin on your box!
Look for another post later this week covering even more great Red Hat Middleware news!