Welcome to our first installment of the JBoss Weekly Editorial 2018 ! We are looking for 2018, an other year that will certainly be quite interesting for the JBoss community, as the integration of its middleware products in Openshift is accelerating... If you have not boarded yet the Openshift wagon - here is the perfect opportunity!


JBoss on Openshift!


Openshift is an excellent platform to deploy application and makes them scale. However, as always, it's not that easy to figure out what is the best way to do so. If you are having this kind of question regarding your own application, take a look at Develop and Deploy on OpenShift Online Starter using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio.


And if you want a more advanced example, take a look at this very interesting article on JBoss Data Virtualization on OpenShift: Integrating a Remote SQL Server Database.



As often, the holiday season of the last weeks have been a perfect opportunity for many members of the community to publish quite in-depth article on topic of their predilection. The first of this list is certainly the one from Bela Ban, core developer of JGroups, on a recent interesting contribution to the framework that allow to inject a split brain into a JGroups cluster.  In a similar fashion, the Keycloak community took the time to document how to  use Keycloak, Apache and OpenID Connect together. And as along as we are talking authentification and autorisation, let's mention this pretty interesting article on Enabling SAML-based SSO with Remote EJB through Picketlink.


The next article might come handy if you want to play with Wildfly's transaction manager Narayana. Indeed, the article documents how to use

Narayana jdbc transactional driver in a standalone application. Along the same line, as an other article covers How to add a new constraint to Hibernate Validator in a few simple steps. Between a transactionnal JDBC driver and custom constraint in Hibernate Validator, your data should be free of many issues now .


Last, but certainly not the least, here is a very, very useful article describing how to enable Byteman Script with Red Hat JBoss Fuse and AMQ. Byteman scripts is an excellent way to investigate, and even resolve, issue on your application. It is definitely worth exploring the tool if you don't know it and this article is an excellent opportunity to do so!


Evangelist's Corner

With the end of 2017, Eric D.Schabell took the time to a 2017 in review - Global Technology Evangelist Director and more, but also released an interesting article on AppDev in the Cloud - Financial Services with Process Driven Application. If those articles are not enough, do also checkout this

Red Hat Fuse - Tech Quickies series - Zero. Hello world from Christina!


Releases, releases, releases...



Hopefully, you have found something in this week's editorial to pique your interest and give you something to explore while waiting for next week's installment. Join us here next week for more news from the JBoss Community.