This week in JBoss: (18th January 2018): Java EE Naming
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on Jan 18, 2018 7:56:55 PMWelcome to our next edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial where we take another journey through the JBoss Communities in search of interesting articles, I hope you all enjoy the ride.
Java EE Naming and Packaging
The Java EE Guardians recently wrote an open letter regarding Java EE Naming and Packaging, provoking a long discussion on the EE4J mailing list and a response from Oracle. If you want to understand the key points of the discussion then check out Mark Little's post on the subject, otherwise for more information take a look through the responses on the EE4J mailing list.
Transaction Recovery with Narayana
One of the most important and likely least understood aspects of any application is the role played by XA transactions in ensuring consistent modification of resources, not only when things go smoothly during the 2 Phase Commit but also when things go wrong and recovery is needed. To help explain what is taking place Ondra has written a couple of articles which will be of interest, the first explaining what is meant by transaction recovery and explaining the way in which recovery occurs with the second covering how recovery impacts the Narayana JDBC transactional driver.
Continuing the Path to Cloud Happiness
In the next step along his path to Cloud Happiness Eric introduces us to some examples from the Financial Service space. Eric's first example is a mortgage application, followed by a loan application, then a customer evaluation application and ends with a customer on-boarding application.
SSO Across Data Centers.
Following on from an earlier post describing how to set up Keycloak in a bare metal Cross Data Center configuration Hynek has updated the example to demonstrate how the same can be achieved when deploying in Amazon Web Services environment. Hynek covers not only the general architecture of the setup but also provides launch stacks to allow you to replicate the setup within your own AWS account.
Performance of Dynamic Method Access
When developing a framework it is often necessary for the framework to access methods within classes they are unaware of, if the framework is invoking these many times then performance is critical. OptaPlanner has a need for this feature so Geoffrey spent time evaluating the options, leading to some very interesting results and discussions in the comments.
Infinispan 9.2 Improved collect()
Infinispan includes support for distributed java streams and, while this feature was simple and concise for distributing the lambda functions across the cluster it was not as clean if the responses being collected included non Serializable results such as those created with the Java Collectors helper class. With the release of Infinispan 9.2 the usability of this feature has been improved through the introduction of a new, overloaded method in the CacheStream class, allowing you to improve on the conciseness of your code.
Hibernate News
The latest version of Hibernate News is out bringing new articles from the Hibernate Community. Within this edition of the newsletter are articles discussing Integration Tests with Maven, joining JPA Entities with a Mapped Relationship, Inheritance in JPA, introductions to Hibernate Spatial and Hibernate Search and many more.
New Releases
- The Arquillian team have announced the release of
- The Teiid team have announced the release of Teiid 10.0.2
- The Hibernate team have announced the release of Hibernate ORM 5.1.11.Final
- The WildFly Swarm team have announced the release of WildFly Swarm 2018.1.0
- The Byteman team have announced the release of Byteman 4.0.0
That's all for this week's edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial, please join us again next week when we will take another look through the JBoss Communities in search of articles and interesting articles and discussions