OK so this week seems to have been the time many of our projects have made a release. We've got Hibernate (Search 5.10.0 Beta 1, OGM 5.3.0 Final and of course the usual community newsletter), Arquillian (Smart Testing 0.0.9, ShrinkWrap Resolver 3.1.3, Container WebSphere 1.0.0 CR1 and Tomcat Container 1.0.1 Final), Byteman 4.0.1, WildFly 12.0.0 Beta 1, Camel In Action 2 (book signing and tower building!) and Infinispan 9.2.0 CR3. Phew!


Amongst all of that, the Hibernate team still had time to talk about the JPA 2.2 standard as it applies to the project. Will Burns spoke about distributed iteration improvements in the latest Infinispan, which is definitely worth reading if you are interested in distributed streams. And Christian Posta has written one of his usual brilliant articles, this time around Istio and traffic shadowing for microservices.


However, we leave a special shout-out to Mario Fusco who is illustrating how Voxxed Days Zurich 2018 is being scheduled using our very own OptaPlanner! A really great example of real world use of an open source project/product!


OK that's it for this week!