This week in JBoss, 21st June 2018 - Countries come together
Posted by kpeeples in Weekly Editorial on Jun 21, 2018 10:56:23 PMI always enjoy watching all the different countries with varying backgrounds come together to play in World Cup Football. This week has seen alot of ups and downs. Unfortunately, the US Team did not qualify for this world cup but love the VW commercials urging US spectators to pull for their team - "Cheer for Germany, they gave us the frankfurter" and "Iceland can use your support as we don't have enough people to do the wave" Uruguay hosted the first World Cup in 1930 in the "Temple of Football". The US placed third which has been their best finish in all the World Cups they have participated. They placed 8th in 2002 in Korea/Japan. I grew up playing football, AKA Soccer, and was always disappointed because the US did not qualify in the 70s and 80s. But I always watched and had a favorite country. Good luck to all the teams.
Pele - "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do"
I love what I do at Red Hat; Now on to the happenings in our open source community!
The Past couple of Weeks Highlights
Stian Thorgersen shared the Keycloak Cordova Browser Tabs Video by Stian Tæøå.
- Tihomir Surdilovic shared recent updates to the jBPM WorkItem Repository
- Claus Ibsen provides the detail for new official Apache Camel branded swags available for sale
- Stephane Eparduad describes RESTEasy Asynchronous container filters
- Maciej Swiderski describe the getting started experiece through a single zip distribution
- Weinan Li gives a brief introduction to the RESTEasy Tracing Feature
- Eric Schabell share 3 pitfalls everyone should avoid with Hybrid multicloud (Part 2)
- Vlad Mihalcea shared the Hibernate Community Newsletter 11/2018
The Past couple of Weeks Meetups and Conferences
- Marek Posolda described the Red Hat Single Sign-On Summit Keynote demo
- Mark Little provides his thoughts on Jakarta EE in relation to his discussions at Summit
- Eric Schabell provides detail of his visit to the Scotland JBug to present AppDev in the Cloud Workshop (with Slides)
The Past couple of Weeks Releases
- Gunnar Morling shared Debezium 0.8.0.Beta1
- Maciej Swiderski shared highlights of jBPM 7.8 native execution of BPMN2, DMN 1.1 and CMMN 1.1
- Stian Thorgersen shared links for the detail for Keycloak 4.0.0.Final
- The Arquillian Team shared the detail for Arquillian Cube Extension 1.16.0 Released
Thanks for being a part of the JBoss Community and stay tuned for the next Weekly Editorial!
Kenneth Peeples
Red Hat Principal Consultant