This week in JBoss (18th April 2019): Onward with Quarkus!
Posted by rpelisse in Weekly Editorial on Apr 18, 2019 1:04:39 PMWith something things happening lately, we have (again) missed an editorial two weeks ago! All our apology about that, but this one will catch you up if you have missed anything. No surprise, only a few weeks after its releases, Quarkus, and its beloved friend, GraalVM, are still the center of the attention! (as it should be!!!)

Quarkus and GraalVM
With its recent releases, Quarkus is certainly a trending item! Especially when we see how far the project can go with coupled with GraalVM. And this potential is certainly leading to some exciting experiments like: Adventures in GraalVM: polyglot Camel (k) native routes with Quarkus, or Towards a Polyglot Drools on GraalVM (with Bonus Tech-Lead Prank)!
Quarkus being a very new and innovative context of execution for an application, it is to be expected for people to try to migrate their own application. If you plan to do so, this article on Migrating Java applications to Quarkus: Lessons learned is a “must-read”! After that, you may want to take a look at this one From zero to Quarkus and Knative: The easy way. With those two articles, you should be set to go even further in your exploration of Quarkus!
Note: If you happen to be able to read french, note that I will also release an article on Quarkus in next month’s issue of GNU/Linux Magazine France.
Retrospective on the bmpNEXT

If you are interested in rules engines and processes manager, but you happen to had no chance to join the bpmNEXT conference last week, here a few impressions for you (along with some teasing about our upcoming Red Hat Summit):
- Processes, Rules and Events: bpmNEXT 2019 impressions, day 1
- Processes, Rules and Events: bpmNEXT 2019 impressions, day 1 part 2
- Processes, Rules and Events: bpmNEXT 2019 and Red Hat Summit 2019
Still relating to rules, especially, in this case, drools, we also mentioned above, in the section about Quarkus, this quite cool article Drools & jBPM: drools.js: Towards a Polyglot Drools on GraalVM (with Bonus Tech-Lead Prank) ! We’ve repeated here so to be sure you don’t miss it !
Evangelist's Corner
As always, our own Eric D. Schabell has been quite prolific, especially has he has joined several conferences:
- DevConf.US 2019 - Open Source Career with Automation Integrati
- DevOps Days Raleigh 2019: DevOps Heroes - Adding Automation Integration to your Toolbox
- Integration Key to Customer Experience - Example Service Integration
On top of this material, he also took the time to promote upcoming labs at the Red Hat Summit 2019 (7–9 May):
- Cloud-native Application Development Labs Roadmap
- Integration and API Labs Roadmap
- IT Optimization Labs Roadmap
- Emerging Technology Labs Roadmap
Last, but certainly not the least, don’t forget to catch up with the Infinispan project, if you have the opportunity, on the Infinispan on tour, March-April 2019!
This editorial is already quite a mouthful, but maybe you can stomach a bit more? If so, take a look the following entries:
- Operator 0.2.1 out with DNS ping and expanded customizations
- Keycloak Community Newsletter #1
- The next integration evolution - blockchain ~ Bilgin Ibryam (@bibryam)
Releases, releases, releases…
As always, the JBoss community can go two weeks without a fair amount of new releases. Among the most notable, there is, of course, a new minor version of Quarkus, but also a first major released of Keycloak!
- Release 0.13.2 · quarkusio/quarkus · GitHub
- Keycloak 6.0.0 released
- Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Alpha4 released!
- Hibernate ORM 6.0.0.Alpha2 released - In Relation To
- Infinispan Spring Boot Starter 2.1.5.Final and 1.0.7.Final are out!
After digesting that much Java technologies, you are maybe craving for something else, right? Well, let us offer you a nice Introduction to Kubernetes (From container to containers), this ought to be a nice change of pace!
That's all for this week's edition of the Editorial, please join us next time as we continue our journey through the JBoss Communities in search of interesting articles and news.