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Update on Eclipse Jakarta EE Rights to Java Trademarks

The big news this week was around an update to Jakarta EE's rights to use Java trademarks. You can read the announcement here by Mike Milinkovich. Essentially, it's not been possible for Oracle and the Eclipse Foundation to come to an agreement on a seamless transition for beyond Jakarta EE 8. As a result the Jakarta EE community will not be able to modify the javax namespace. You can read Mark Little's views of this announcement here. Mark later followed up (here and here) with some of his personal views on the announcement and provided some insight on the paths he sees going forward.


Other News


Hands on Labs at Red Hat Summit

Red Hat Summit is being held next week in Boston (May 7th - 9th). Eric Schabell will be hosting two hands on lab sessions. The first covers the new Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and the second covers IT automation and management.


JTA and CDI integration

The 5.9.5.Final release of Narayana comes with several CDI functionality enhancements. In this blogpost Ondra Chaloupka introduces these changes whilst focusing on the JTA and CDI integration.


Keycloak Releases and Versioning

We are aiming to achieve a continuous delivery model with Keycloak. By that we mean it should be seamless to upgrade between Keycloak releases and to keep up to date with the latest release. Read this blog post by Stian Thorgersen to learn about what will change.


What is Apache Camel K?

It's "A lightweight integration platform born on Kubernetes, with serverless superpowers". Watch a short video here to learn more.

